July 31st – 7:00 – 9:00 Two kits seen coming over the gap from the secondary side of the creek. Seems like they are starting to explore further than the main dam site. The rest of the evening was spent watching the kits just swimming and playing together. GQ was not seen but the green heron was seen flying around. JO, HP, LB
July 25th – 7:30-9:00 Slow night tonight as the beavers took their time coming out. The kits came out one at a time and swam around and got some of the willow and cotton wood that was near the dam. GQ came out and was seen just gliding along but he never went over the gap while I was there. Several older couples came by after their dinner and they got to see the kits out and about. One couple from out of town said that they had been at the dam site four times and this was the first time they saw some beavers. One turtle was sighted. LB,JR,MS
July 24th – 7:00-8:30 Lots of people stopping by the main dam site as they were coming back from dinner at the local restaurants. The kits were out quite early and spent their time just swimming around and taking some willow and cotton wood branches back to the lodge to eat. The bi-yearling finally came out with one of the kits trying to hitch a ride but GQ wasn’t interested and he dove down into the water to lose the kit. All three kits were seen and GQ stayed around the main dam for some time. He finally swam over and headed down towards the secondary dam. A green heron was flying around and he landed on a stick sticking up from the main dam. He started to make a calling sound and it scared one of the kits who dove down into the water real fast. After that there wasn’t much activity for some time.LB,CR,JR
July 18th – A very nice warm evening down at the dam site tonight. Many people were out to see the beavers and a few people from the Sierra Club came to walk around our waterfront and they stopped by to see the beavers. Everyone went away satisfied as they were able to see the kits out and about. GQ came out and checked things out before the kits came out. He then went over the dam and swam down stream towards the secondary dam. The white pigeon was out and also the green heron was seen several times. Towards the end of day light, all three kits came out and were checking things out and playing together.JR,LB,CR,HP,FB
July 16th – 7:00-9:00 Another busy night at the dam site. Lots of visitors and all three kits out and about. Fun watching them trying out their diving skills. Some times they look like corks bobbing up and down. GQ came sneaking over the gap from down stream and we almost missed him until a little girl spotted him. The green heron sat on the dam and ate a small fish. It was seen again eating another fish. He then flew up into the trees and looked like he was settling down for the night. HP,CR,JR,LB
July 11th – 7:00-9:00 Not too many visitors tonight but all three kits and GQ (read yesterdays post to see who that is) were seen. GQ came out and went over the dam for his alone time. The three kits were very busy coming and going back and forth between the main dam and the lodge. They have been learning to chew through the cotton wood branches and were taking small twigs back to the lodge. Just before I left, GQ came across the gap with the largest branch he could carry. Don’t know what he planned to do with it but he took it down towards the lodge. He then came back and got a lot of cotton wood to take back home. Very busy tonight. JR,JO,LB
July 10th – Just got back from another evening of beaver viewing. The bi-yearling was out and over the dam and was sighted by the secondary dam. He did return before we left and checked out some willow. The kits were out but weren’t seen all together until later in the evening. Several families with small children were out and they felt very lucky to see the beavers. All three kits were seen together finally and seemed to be enjoying swimming together and doing some push shoving to see who was the strongest.LB,HP,JR
July 9th – The bi-yearling was seen going over the main dam and the secondary dam heading downstream. He looked like he was on a mission. A least two kits were seen out and about the main dam getting some cotton wood leaves and taking them back to the lodge. All three kits were seen together last night. The large turtle that is usually sighted sitting on the flow devidewasout swimming around.
July 6th- One kit was out around 7:00PM andwascheckingout the area around the main dam. The two year old, which I’ll call the bi-yearling in future post, came cruising out. It really is something to see him just floating so slowly on the surface of the water making sure all is well. Two kits came out andweresharing some time with their older sibling and were heard whining. The kits practiced their driving andalsotooksmalltwigsofwillowbackto the lodge. A green heron flew by anda pond turlewasseeninthewaterneartheflowdevice. A gentleman from San Francisco was quite impressed with the pictures he was able to get of the beavers.LB,RB,JR
July 5th – Two year old seen coming up from the secondary dam and crossing over the gap. All three kits out swimming around and going back and forth to the lodge. The two year old was seen swimming up with one of the kits on his back. He then got a big branch and took it over the gap and went down stream. The kit stayed back and joined the other kits. They seemed to be practicing their diving skills and were chewing small branches of willow and cotton wood off of the larger branches and taking them back to eat. LB,CR,JO,Cheryl’s Mom
July 3rd – The kits have been coming out earlier and earlier. Two were out before 7:00PM. Many people down at the dam site to check them out. One kit was adventurous and went up onto the bank across the creek and was getting some leaves. He kept getting closer and closer to the edge and then down he went into the water. He came up as though nothing happened and just swam around. A large turtle was on the flow device and two muskrats came swimming around the dam. It was a good opportunity to see the difference between a muskrat and a beaver. The white piegon flew down to the dam and got a drink as he has done the last week. One of the older beavers was seen by some one up by the restaurant. LB,CR
July 2nd – Since the news of Mom’s passing, more and more people have been seen down at the dam and they have not been disappointed. I dropped by and there were two kits out busy swimming around and exploring. Dad had been seen along with the bi-yearling plus the littlest kit also had been out. The family is all together and one can usually see them if they have patience and time. HP,LB,JO
July 1st – Three kits were seen plus Dad and the bi-yearling.