September 26th – 6:00-7:30 – Warm evening down by the main dam site but it was pleasant sitting waiting for some beaver activity. Two kits were seen out swimming around and taking some berry cuttings back to the lodge. One of the kits decided to go over the gap and he/she headed down to the secondary dam. Along the way the kit stopped to eat some berry bushes that were hanging over the water. The kit finally came back over the gap to join the other kit. As it was getting darker we saw a flash of a large beaver go over the dam. It was GQ and he looked like something had frightened him and we have never seen him move so fast. He went straight to the lodge and we didn’t see him again. Soon after a kit came up from downstream and went over the gap to join the rest of the kits. All three kits and GQ seen last night. The green heron was seen on its nightly hunting and it was seen eating a very large fish. HP,JR,LB
September 23rd – 6:00-7:30 – The first kit was seen at 6:00 and it was busy eating some goodies left on the dam by one of our familiar down town people. The kit was also seen taking willow back and forth to the lodge. Another kit was out and both of them spent some time wrestling and playing together. The green heron made an appearance and was flying back and forth. The littlest kit came out and also enjoyed the goodies. Robert stopped by and told us that we should name the little one Dainty as he/she looked so dainty while eating. I thought that was a good idea. While we were watching the kits play, GQ came sneaking across the gap and swam up to the lodge. It is getting dark before 7:30 now so viewing time is getting shorter.MS, JR, CR, JR, LB
September 14th – 6:00-7:30 – The kits are starting to come out later than they have been it seems. It is taking more patience for beaver watching these last evenings as one kit will come out and it will be a while before you see a kit again. We don’t know if it is the same kit or two different ones. One can always tell when the littlest one is out. One kit did come up from down stream and cross over the gap. A green heron was seen flying up to the filter and then down to the main dam. Right before we were going to leave, one kit came out and swam over the dam swimming down towards the secondary dam. We followed he/she down towards the dam and while he was swimming down, GQ came swimming up from the dam towards the kit. They then started swimming up towards the main dam. As we went back to the dam to see them cross over the gap, they stopped right before the dam. We never did see them cross over. CR,JR,LB
September 8th – 7:00-8:30 – All three beaver kits were seen again tonight and they made their appearance on the upstream side of the creek. One time they were all swimming together. One kit was seen diving under the water and chewing off the bark from the cotton wood branches near the main dam. He/she stayed near the branch and made loud sounds while chewing the bark. We saw a lot of water movement coming from the down side of the creek near the bank next to the flow device. Before long we saw a very large beaver coming across with his noticeable hair sticking up on top of his head. It was Dad. He swam around the cotton wood and one of the kits came up to him. Dad took a very large branch down towards the lodge and we didn’t see any more beavers for quite some time. One kit did come out before we left. HP, LB
September 7th – 5:30-8:00 – The beavers must of had a very busy Labor Day night as they didn’t make an appearance until 7:10. They probably were catching up on their sleep. While we waited for them to come out, we were entertained by a green heron who was fishing from the flow device. He caught several fish before flying away. One of the kits finally came out and was busy just swimming around and then he got some willow to take back to the lodge. Another kit came out and the two spent the time swimming and checking things out. At last all three kits were seen and they spent time swimming together and it seemed like they were just enjoying playing together. A couple came down who had been at the dam several times but they never saw any beavers before and they were quite pleased to see all three kits and to hear about the beaver family. The viewing time is getting shorter and shorter as it is getting darker so much earlier. GQ wasn’t seen before we left but he was seen last night. CR, JR, LB
September 1st – 6:45-8:30 – One kit was out when I got down to the main dam site. He/she was seen going over to the cave area across the creek and standing up to reach some willow twigs hanging down near the water. He was successful most of the time but did fall over backwards once when he went back too far. Another kit came up from down stream and crossed over the gap. They continued taking willow back towards the lodge. The smallest kit was seen on the down stream side just before a very large beaver came up to the gap. They both crossed over with the kit following behind. We all are 99% (Heidi & Jon 100%) sure the large beaver was Dad. The kit took a ride around on Dad’s back for a few minutes before taking off towards the lodge. All three kits were seen. Just before we left, GQ came out and crossed over the gap on his way towards the secondary dam. So it looks like all five beavers have been accounted for. Three new kits, GQ (two-year old) and Dad. HP,JR,LB