July 29th – 6:00pm – 8:00pm – It was a very busy beaver night as there seemed to be lots of dam repairing to do on the secondary. Beavers were seen mudding and filling in the break in the dam caused by the high tide. All the beavers were seen working including the new kit, who tried to look busy. HP, JR
July 13th – 6:00pm – It was a very busy beaver night down by the secondary dam site. Two adult beavers were seen along with the 3 yearlings and also the new kit was out with the family. HP, JR
July 4th – 7:00pm – Four beavers along with the new kit were seen down by the secondary dam. All the people walking over the bridge on their way to the fireworks didn’t seem to bother the beavers. HP, JR
July 1st – 7:00pm – 9:00pm – The kit was seen out by the primary dam around 8:00pm. Also seen was an otter around the secondary dam. HP, JR