Work and play.
Both are important, and necessary for a healthy life, (Or a healthy website). And both are inspiring in their own way. A video that requires work might have difficult subject matter, or subtitles that take a moment for your brain to translate. But a video that inspires a playful spirit gets itself shared and is just fun to watch over and over.
That’s what on the menu today. Work and play. Only the “work” video is very, very good and will be teaching us until far into the future. It’s excellently made and good for us. And I know we’ll turn to it time and time again.
And the “play” video is just really, really cool. Like the coolest thing you have seen all month, all year, or maybe ever. It’s that good.
My puritan upbringing says the order should be work before play. But you are free spirits all. You may not have time for work right now and want to come back for it later. Which is totally fine and up to you. Just please make time for it someday because its really, really good.
I love the local volunteer groups in Germany that help folks manage beaver problems peacefully. I could watch that part over and over again. I love seeing Gerhard Schwab and thinking of him coming to Martinez two summers ago looking up our beaver habitat. I physically winced when they said beavers could have “positive and negative effects” on fish. And I’m still scratching my head about that flow device. So curious!
Now, if you’ve been a good child you can have your dessert. Or if you’re a wild child just have it first. Either way it’s good. This was posted by Robert lles on the Save the free beavers of the River Tay FB group. I have no idea where its from, but I love it as much as any 26 seconds of beaver life I have ever seen. To me it represents the very adaptive character and unflappable quality I like best about the animal. The ability to persevere and float or waddle on whatever life throws at you and come out the stronger.
Plus it’s really cute.
You see what I mean? I mean even if you were trying to be clever and do a human voice-over for this video all you could come up with is “It’s stiff….then “It’s noisy“….and finally “It’s wet” Because that’s what beaver life is like.
One long silver thread of adaption.