Linda informs me that there were two tree casualties this weekend, and Jon saw another midweek as well. The beavers are clearly doing some harvesting. I’m not sure whether the dams need new materials, or its just time to show the little ones some gnaw and order, but trees are definitely on the menu at the moment.
Timing couldn’t be better to remind the city that we have trees to replace and its worth while letting Worth A Dam organize the replacement. Our eagle scout meets with the director of public works today to talk about our planting plan. Felix Ratcliff of Condor Coutry Consulting is finishing his report and was seen measuring tree girth with a colleague in the park last week. Jeff Anhorn, owner of the Livermore Nursery that helped us last year, is ready with specimens and our enthusiastic Environmental Studies Academy students have already offered their help.
It’s a perfect storm of tree-planting, so I expect great things.
Speaking of ESA, they have their official parking lot lauch this weekend on May 3rd. Remember their good work creating the naturally water-treating lot downtown. They are finishing their fundraising to add a mural to the project, and planning to offer a fun event. Worth A Dam will be there to support them. Looks like we will also be offering our 2009 tshirts which might even nicer than last years. Come by, see the displays, and thank the kids for all their hard work.