Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Vote Beaver Vote!

There are some things we try to do to help beavers that take a great deal of work. Throwing a festival that celebrates them, or convincing a city to save them are both examples that spring to mind.  But sometimes simple things can help a lot and require very little effort on our part. Case in point?

Devon Wildlife Trust beavers up for BBC Countryfile award

The Trust has been jointly nominated with a project in Scotland in the ‘Wildlife Success of the Year’ category of the BBC Countryfile Magazine Awards. Public voting for the winner is now open.

The nomination is in recognition of DWT’s work with beavers living on the River Otter in East Devon. The beavers are thought to be the first wild population in England for more than 400 years.

Steve Hussey, of DWT, said: ‘We’re delighted to hear the good news of the nomination. Now public voting has opened we’re urging all beaver supporters to get their votes in either on-line or via a copy of BBC Countryfile magazine. If we can win it will show public support for these important and fascinating animals.’

Other nominated projects in the ‘Wildlife Success of the Year’ category include conservation work with dormice, cirl buntings, bumblebees and bitterns.

‘All the projects nominated would be worthy winners,’ said Steve. ‘But there is something about beavers, the fact they’ve been lost for so long and now are back which we feel gives them the edge.

‘Being involved in the project, seeing the animals swimming in a Devon river has been such a thrill – it has meant being a part of an amazing chapter in our country’s natural history. Surely that must be worth peoples’ votes.’

Vote for the beavers online at “Wildlife Success of the year”.

CaptureCountryfile is a kind of walking shoe-wearing, scrubbed and healthy TV show and magazine that follows all the best foot travel destinations in the UK. It won’t mean automatic nobels if beavers win, but it will help convince folks that they are being watched and supported. So your vote matters.

If you click on THIS LINK it will take you to the wildlife entries and from there you can cast your very important vote. You do not need to register or live in the UK.  The only thing asked of you is an email address, and they promise not to send you things. The letter (ABCD or E) assigned to the beaver vote changes, so don’t automatically just press C. Look for the photo!

It is truly the simplest of elections. The hardest part is averting your eyes from that little dormouse which is damned cute – like a muskrat dressed in an elf costume. But remember your civic duty and support our flat tailed friends. The dormouse can win some other year.


These riparian architects were hunted to extinction in Britain 400-500 years ago. Now, thanks to the success of a trial on the Knapdale Estate in Argyll, they’ve been given leave to stay and Government protection, making them the first mammals to be officially reintroduced to the UK landscape. In Devon, a wild breeding population is living on the River Otter and is being monitored by the Devon Wildlife Trust.



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