Yesterday was so packed with good news I barely had time to process a single tearful and unexpected treasure before the next one marched into view. It all started with Susan’s lovely column in the Petaluma Patch, which I was happy to see. Then it just went ‘uphill’ from there.
Before noon I received an email from the coordinator of Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots program, inviting Worth A Dam to be one of six educational displays at the International Day of Peace at the Oakland Zoo. That’s Jane “when-I-first-began-to-study-the-apes-inspiring-millions-of-American-children-including-a-young-Heidi-who-spent-hours-trying-to-imitate-her-voice” Goodall. Did you know she wrote the lovely forward to Hope Ryden’s famous beaver novel “Lily Pond“?
“Reading this book was, for me, like journeying into a fascinating new world: I am enriched.”
Speaking of novels, after I stared at that invitation for a while, an email arrived from author Jo Marshall who is working on a series of young adult novels designed to teach about the environment and climate change. The first of her “Twig Stories” features a gigantic beaver who needs help from his “chompers” colony to build a dam that can hold back a glacier when it melts. She was very excited to teach about beavers and how they help the watershed and would I please consider providing a quote for her work? Obviously I said yes. Who wouldn’t? (My quote can only be that since our planet sadly lacks one goliath beaver, we’re going to have to settle for lots and lots of little ones.)
When I got home from work there was a very generous donation from the wife of the lawyer who handled the Friends of Lake Skinner beaver case. And this morning the Gazette ran our event flyer as an ad out of the goodness of their hearts.
I better confess right now, there is something wrong with me. I am more like a cactus than a violet – ready for adversity and struggle, fairly comfortable marching against a strong headwind.When too many good things happen in a row I start to look around nervously – just waiting for this….
In the mean time, thanks and let’s keep it up!