By now, 6 months after its publication, I’ve heard Ben give a lot of interviews about his book, Eager: The surprising secret lives of beavers and why they matter. So many interviews, in fact, that while they still matter, nothing about a beaver’s life is secret OR surprising anymore. There is usually some part of the interview I wished he’d made clearer or some issue I wish he’d brought up. As somewhat of a connoiseur of the Ben-terview I have become his most adoring critic. But this interview with Tom Williams on Utah public radio yesterday was perfect.
I listened to the whole thing and couldn’t think of one negative thing to say. Or one thing to suggest he do different next time. It hit all the right notes. Other than never mentioning Martinez I have zero complaints.
I wrote Ben that this was exceptionally awesome and he said he’s had a wonderful week in Utah with the gang. Thanks! It’s been a really fun couple days with Joe Wheaton, Nick Bouwes, and the whole Utah State crew — for my money, the best beaver research team out there. They hooked up that radio spot. Which explains a lot. Urban beavers get the proper respect, and there are mercifully not even anal glands in this interview.
If you can only listen to one Ben-terview this winter, this is the one.