Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Tag: Steve Blum. Treasure Cast

I think this might be your last chance to see the Beaver Tales Exhibit in Oregon. It opens in Seaside next weekend and has been making a very big impression. This site has a wonderful slide show of every artist and since I can’t share it you really should go look for yourself. But come right back, because there’s lots to talk about.

The art of BEAVER TALES, Seaside sale and exhibition, opening May 6th, 2017.

The traveling exhibit includes artwork of al kinds, from paintings to fiber, wood, stone, glass and ceramics. With regional and local artists displaying their work, this stop in Seaside will bring together a multitude of styles and creativity.

Along with the month-long display, there will be workshops, tours, and other activities around Seaside. The exhibit will feature juried art for purchase, benefitting the three nonprofit sponsoring organizations listed above.

The goal of the exhibition is to recognize the aesthetic and ecological significance our state animal plays in the creation and maintenance of wetland habitats. Beavers, though woefully misunderstood, actually create and sustain wetlands that aid in resuscitating wetland and riparian stream habitats. They play a central role in shaping our future as we prepare for transformations that a warming and changing climate may bring. The sponsoring organizations are working together to learn more about how we can work with beaver to conserve and restore natural systems.

Seeing the slide show makes me want to take a field trip myself. Seaside Oregon is just 681 miles from Martinez, I think we could manage. I want to stand outside with a big bag and tell everyone if their art didn’t sell it should come to Martinez where it certainly will. At least I’ve been assured that we’re getting one of the items donated to the silent auction, a hand saw beautifully showing a beaver chopping a tree by Jen Richmond.

In the meantime, we have some fine art of our own to share on this pleasant sunday. These pewter beaver pendants were donated by  Steve Blom of Boise Idaho from his wonderful shop Treasure Cast on etsy.  Both are delightfully detailed and have a lovely weighted feel to them.  One is a necklace and the other is a broach, but they’re both lovely. Thanks Steve! If you can’t wait visit his shop and find a lovely creation of your own.

plateLocal artist and hard working beaver friend Erika Goldstein sent this yesterday that she created in her ceramic studios. Something tells me this is going to be snapped up quickly. I especially like the tail.

Meanwhile local artist Amelia Hunter has been slaving away on our 10th beaver festival design. This is what she has so far, but she’s still adding more color, I’m not crazy about the font and she’s thinking about swapping out the bottom text for our traditional ribbon. I love the bridge and the sense of place it communicates. It’s truly a wonderful first edition. Doesn’t this make you want to come to the festival?






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