Check out this successful release from the Monterey County SPCA. You have to double click but you’ll get there eventually. This little beaver is off to seek her fortune!
I was off this morning to film some ‘new years resolutions’ at the beaver dam for PATCH. Cameraman John Beck of Sideshow Video did a great job and was very impressed with the local fauna. I told him our top resolutions were (1) Three kits grow up healthy! (2) Worth A Dam continues to spread the beaver gospel and teach other cities to follow Martinez example. And (3) our Beaver Festival IV is the best ever! (I also did my best to convince him to come back!) After he left me he was headed off to video the mayor’s new years resolutions for the town so I told him to say ‘hi’.
UPDATE II:After writing about the fantastic River Discontiuum paper yesterday I contacted the primary author to praise her work and invite her to the beaver conference. I also let the ‘gang’ know about it and Michael Pollock persuaded Len Houston to invite her to speak. She’s lacking funds to get there so I’m still hoping a big whoosh of grant money will come her way. Today Science Daily picked up the story!