Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Tag: Mike Callahan

The poor sportsman and sore losers club at the Massachusetts Committee for Responsible Wildlife Management continue to bemoan the inadequate list of nine exceptions to the beaver-trapping law. They feel burdened by the remarkably simple standards the law requires them to meet. Just to be clear, when any single one of these conditions are met, beavers can be killed in every convenient fashion. However, in the rare instance when no such condition is present, the animals can still be killed, just not with leg hold or body crushing traps. Apparently its toooooooo hard for their little trapper brains to meet a standard and ask permission, (even though I’ve never read even a single story of any request being turned down).

It seems like every 6 months we get new complaints about the awful flooding caused by the increase in beavers in Massachusetts that blames the crazy hippies who were tricked into banning leg hold and body crushing traps in 1996.  To these troglodyte minds, the onerous burden of being asked to spend five minutes  completing the necessary request is a bridge too far: they won’t stand for it! Now the powerful lobby has attached more exceptions to the exception list in a rider that slipped in at the end of the house session. It sits politely on the governor’s desk with a name like “protecting babies” or “safer streets” to await his unknowing signature.  The Massachusetts Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is asking residents to call and remind the governor that there are already perfectly adequate lethal solutions in place and we don’t need to add more.  Perhaps you’d like to join them.

Mike Callahan of Beaver Solutions, who is admirably much more even-handed than I, was interviewed about the story yesterday by CBS channel 3 Springfield. Now this is must see TV!

Our newest family member was seen by the Worth A Dam gang last night at 8:30, swimming about near the primary dam and doing exactly what a beaver should. We received lots of well-wishes yesterday from people who’d seen the chronicle article. Skip Lisle wrote his congratulations and Lenard Houston of SURCP said he’s still trying to get photos of his new beaver twins to share. No sightings again this morning so I’m thinking he’s already found his rhythm and its ‘wake up early and go to bed early’. Our own LB was very excited to see him last night and posted this in the sightings page.

June 11th – Baby beaver seen swimming near the main dam around 8:30 PM and finding some willow twigs to eat and then taking some back to the lodge.  He/she is so cute and small.  Soon after a very large beaver (not Mom) came over the dam from down stream bringing back some willow branches and going towards the lodge.

There was a little flurry of news reports about the beavers yesterday. By far the most amusing one is this, a fortuitous byproduct of the massive media monopolies where everything is owned by everyone else. Clearly the best news ever printed in the Wall Street Journal and I’ll wager the only time Martinez has been discussed therein.

This week a copy of Mike Callahan’s Beaver Solutions DVD was donated to the Martinez Library which means it will be available for borrowing in all of Contra Costa and inter-library loans. If you’re curious about how to install flow device or culvert fence, or just want to see it done up close, stop by and check it out. The device used by Mike is called the “Flexible Leveler”. The one used by Skip Lisle is called the “Castor Master” (that’s what we have in Martinez) — different names and some different properties, but the same basic elements. Oh and Mike’s DVD stars the Martinez Beavers in all their swimmy glory so it’s definitely worth seeing!

At long last Mike Callahan’s instructional DVD is available to make the techniques and tools of beaver management accessible to every property owner and township. Having reviewed my own copy last Wednesday I can testify that the instruction is offered in pragmatic, easy-to-understand language, and will contribute substantially to the welfare of beavers and landowners for decades to come. A second clip of testimonials is viewable on his updated website, and purchasing information can be found by clicking here. Attentive beaver watchers will soon recognize our very own Martinez beavers featured in section two, which couldn’t please this particular supporter more!

There are lots of parts of beaver advocacy that are frustrating, disappointing and tiring. This isn’t one of them. I am eager to see this DVD in every public library across the country. I am impatient to see every city manager forced to watch it at breakfast twice a year, and hopeful that it will become regular fare at Fish & Game or the Department of Transportation soon. Do your part to help spread the word that any city smarter than a beaver can manage a beaver and let’s make doing the right thing harder and harder to avoid.

Thanks Mike! And congratulations!

This has been quite a week for beaver advocacy. Dad beaver made an important tree removal decision so mom has been hanging around eating the remaining branches. She’s coming out around 7:45 so its a very civilized time for beaver viewing. Taryn of Wisconsin writes that there was a town meeting last night with a lot of good feeling and an engineer stepped forward to volunteer his services to protect the culvert and keep the beavers. I also got three confirmations this week for our musical lineup for the beaver festival!

On Wednesday I got a package from Mike Callahan of Beaver Solutions containing an early copy of his soon-to-be-released beaver management DVD. Of course you now I dropped everything and got out the popcorn for a preview. I was so pleased and impressed at how clear and understandable he makes this work. Every part of the process is explained in a step-by-step, easy to understand, how-to video. And guess whose lovely beavers frolic in the background!

My footage of the Martinez Beavers is sprinkled throughout the first chapter – Mom coming over the secondary dam and our 2008 yearlings working at repairs. Ahhh what a treat to see them put to such good, beaver-saving use! An impressive testimonial section at the end is filled with burly, public-works-types, saying how they were doubtful at first but now they are grateful it saves them such time and money! At the end is a reference section with other documents about beavers and beaver management, including the ‘what good are beavers’ we collaborated on.

Truly it was a thrilling and affirming moment to see that this work will get easily done by beaver advocates for generations. The package also contained a generous donation to Worth A Dam which I will surely find good use for. All in all it was like one of those graduation moments where you sniff at your child growing up, remember all the late nights and know in your heart how importantly they’re going to contribute. I have it on very best authority that Worth A Dam will get a few copies for auction at the festival, so you can share the moment.

Yesterday I received a lovely thank you note from powerhouse Diane Burgess of Friends of Marsh Creek Watershed for the talk I did there last Thursday. Truly the very best friends beavers could have. Monday I will be giving the same presentation to the Environmental Alliance at the John Muir House and Tuesday our artist Frogard Butler will be helping me tell the beaver story to St. Catherine’s preschoolers. “Once upon a time there was a mommy beaver and a daddy beaver and they looked and looked for just the right place to make a home for their family” Ahhh, that’s going to be fun.

Always an adventure, up on beaver creek!

I received word this morning that the final edits from Pinehurst Pictures & Sound on the beaver solutions DVD have been completed and Mike Callahan is on his way to pick up the very first copy for review. This means that we are weeks away from having the finished product be printed and available for people everywhere who are looking for a way to manage beaver behavior without killing. I can’t think of a better way to help Taryn in Wisconsin, Randall in Chicago, or Darren in Georgia. This is going to make a difference for beavers everywhere, which will make a difference in turn for the animals that depend on them for habitat; salmon, songbirds, turtles, woodduck, otters…you name it.

As I am fond of saying: it’s the trickle-down economy that actually works.

We are excited about the possibilities and wish Mike the best. We can’t wait to get our own copy and maybe one to offer at the silent auction for the Beaver festival. I bet the department of public works can use it to help the filter on the flow device which saw some cruel mistreatment this winter. Hmm maybe a copy for Fairfied just in case that perforated pipe stops working. And Sonoma if they get another vine-thief in their vineyards this spring…Antioch if it turns out the picture from Marsh Creek was accurate….Heather Farms if the rumors are true…Danville if the creek behind that man’s house is still dammed…One for Brock so he can add it to the OAEC watershed tool box…and don’t forget Los Gatos in case Rick gets really lucky….

Looks like we need a few of copies! Congratulations Mike! We wish you a big dam success!



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