Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Tag: Mayor Jim Watson

Once upon a time, in a little suburb of Ottawa, some beavers were discovered in a storm water pond near an apartment building. They weren’t very far from artist  Anita Utas home, and she started to take an interest in them. When the city said the beavers would be killed she called some friends and plenty of people spoke out against it. Alarmed by the media coverage and the thousand emails, the mayor backed down, posed for this photo with the giant beaver, and Anita and her friends were heroes. Ottawa said it was going to work with  wildlife interests to formulate a comprehensive wildlife plan. And there was much rejoicing!

Fast forward to 2012, when the wildlife groups had been so excited to be involved, became frustrated at their complete helplessness and marginalization on the committee and publicly resigned, saying “We aren’t giving up a seat at the table. There is no ‘table’.”  A few months later, on Canada day when everyone was on vacation, the city goons ripped out the beaver lodge, swearing after objections that they had done no harm because the beavers had moved on.

Except the next day Anita filmed a mother beaver with two tiny kits, and since they had no lodge for protection they were spending the day breast feeding in a bush. And the father beaver was never ever seen again. After insisting that there were no beavers there, and then that if they were there they had never been harmed, they said the beavers must be relocated – because STORMWATER. Ever flexible and pragmatic, the white hats advocated a wildlife sanctuary that had agreed to take them. But the city insisted it would handle it themselves, and that no media or witness should be allowed to see it, but ‘just trust us – it will be fine’.

So Lily and her two kits were ‘disappeared’. And then miraculously, 90 days later video was sent to Anita of an adult beaver and a much older yearling! A note was attached explaining the other kit had lived fine, but had just dived and wasn’t visible at the moment, but see? They said. Everything turned out fine! You worried for nothing you silly goose-lover! The city waited for public attention to turn back to J-walking or childcare like it always did.

It was pointed out that unless the city had relocated those beavers by way of a time machine, there was no way in heaven or earth that those beavers were the same ones they moved. And the people who were mad before got mad again. And the people who had lied before lied again. I made a video of the event  set to the soundtrack of just Paul Simon’s “Lie, Lie Lie” from the end of the Boxer, but Youtube, in its infinite copyright wisdom, took it away. If you know it, you might hum along as you watch.

Are you still with me? I know that’s a lot of back story to cover. One of the advantages of just putting down layers of evil and bullshit on top of each other over and over again, is that the story gets too long to even tell in the media. And because your story becomes too complicated to report on, the media talks about some one else’s simpler crime. Never mind, this is the Martinez Beavers website. We know all about complicated lies. I’ll get to the point.

This week, the never-awaited pretend Wildlife strategy Plan has finally been released!

Wildlife plan shows Ottawa a “dinosaur” in species protection, says group

Beavers, turkeys and coyotes will still be killed at the hands of the city despite 11 recommendations laid out in a draft wildlife management strategy early this week, charged a local conservation group, Wednesday.

“Here’s Ottawa continuing to kill the majority of beavers,” said Donna DuBreuil, president of the Ottawa-Carleton Wildlife Centre.

DuBreuil, who is also a spokesperson for the Ontario Wildlife Coalition, walked away from a working group on the document last September after more than a year passed without a stakeholder’s meeting.

“There was no support from the other agencies,” she said. “They have fought for years any progress.” The policy is now up on the city’s website for public consultation.

Here I did the heavy lifting for you. Maybe you  have something to say about this excerpt?

With respect to beavers, opportunities appear to exist for the employment of “beaver deceivers” to protect some infrastructure (especially road and rail culverts), with associated ecosystem benefits and the potential for long-term maintenance cost savings. Seven beaver deceiver demonstrations sites have been established by the City. However, the City can find no precedent or support for the use of beaver deceivers in engineered stormwater management ponds, and the City’s stormwater engineers have concluded that they may interfere with the performance and maintenance of those facilities.

Because, you know, storm water is SO different from the other kind of water.  And those 5 photos sent to us by that guy Mike Callahan of installations in storm water ponds could have been photo shopped. He’s not even Canadian.  And what kind of name is ‘Beaver Solutions‘ anyway? There’s only one solution to beavers.  And everyone knows it.

So help our Canadian friends and send your comments about how flow devices work and beavers create habitat HERE. As part of the plan they’re proposing hiring a 100,000 dollar a year wildlife biologist to handle these issues in the future. Smart thinking. Get an expert on staff to do it.

We wouldn’t want to put elected officials in voter jeopardy, right?

“There were no beavers in that lodge

There were beavers filmed the next night

“No beavers were harmed when we destroyed the lodge”

The male  was not seen again

“We are sure there were no kits in that lodge”

There were two very small kits, now with no protection.

“Beavers will destroy the the trees”

Volunteers wrapped the trees.

“Flow devices can’t work in storm water ponds”

Beaver Solutions sent photos of flow devices in storm water ponds

“These beavers must be relocated…there’s no alternative, no not to that sanctuary you want, and not by Sherri Tippie…we picked someone better…much better…don’t worry about it being winter…everything will be alright…just close your eyes…don’t peek…are you peeking?….now…magic…..beavers are fine! See?”

Mind you, I don’t trot out Hamlet for just anyone. This is really, really upsetting. If you want to read something nice to get rid of that gripping pain in your chest, try this. It’s the update of our friends at the Sierra Wildlife Coalition, and it will take the sting away. For those of you following along at home, remember, they started out with some lying governmental beaver-killers and a failed effort to protect a colony, producing a response that eventually grew into this!

Which begs the question for Mayor Watson, do you really want to make Ottawa mad?

How rude! It was perfectly dusky by 6:30 last night but our beavers made us shiver and wait for them until 7:20 before Jr came strolling out lazily looking for breakfast. Maybe the super high tide had something to do with his late arrival, but he was immediately joined by an adult beaver. At first I thought it was mom, but this beaver was bigger than mom and less cautious than dad. Also Jr didn’t react to the adult at all, no whining like last week. I had been assuming our three 2010 yearlings had all moved on, but obviously we still have at least one of them. This was one of our two larger beavers we called the ‘bookends’ because they were exactly the same size, (and Reed was so little)! So we have at least 4 beavers. Maybe more?

Another couple at the dam were insisting that the last time they were there they had seen two kits side by side with two different color tails. Sigh. I wish more than anything we were lucky enough to have two! And he was lucky enough to have a companion! But it’s October. We first saw him four months ago. In the 5 years we have been spotting kits we have always seen all the siblings by the first week or so. It’s more likely that the couple saw mom (who is smaller) and Jr together and assumed they were 2 kits because we have always seen more than one.

KH and JO had seen something ‘dead’ on the dam earlier in the week (not a beaver) getting eaten by a rat. In our long beaver wait last night we were able to see it was the massive  head of a sturgeon, harvested by some fisherman and lopped cleanly off with a knife. Either it was dumped in the creek or floated in with the tide, but we were happy to solve the mystery at least.

Our friends at the Ottawa-Carlton Wildlife Centre sent this, with a note that they made sure to include lots of “beaver” references because Mayor Jim Watson will be attending the event where it’s shown. Enjoy and share!

Our beaver friends in Stittsville Ottawa just got some very good news. Seems the day they were planning a street protest (including a giant costumed beaver)of the announced beaver killing  the good mayor decided that they might need to look at actual options.

OTTAWA — Beavers living in a stormwater pond in Stittsville’s Paul Lindsay Park have been given a reprieve, city officials announced Thursday.

The city has backed down on intentions to trap and kill the beavers living in the pond near Abbott Street and Shea Road. The announcement was made the same day that a protest has been planned against the plans.

“We have heard in recent days that people would like us to have a second look at how we protect the integrity of our flood control systems and we are listening and acting,” Mayor Jim Watson said in a statement released Thursday morning, hours before the planned noon-hour rally at the Canadian Tribute to Human Rights monument at the corner of Elgin and Lisgar streets.

Hooray for tenacity and compassion! Hooray for  actually using the internet(s) to do research and find solutions! Hooray for the folks who’ve been occupying Paul Lindsay Park at night to make sure the city can’t bring in trappers under the cover of darkness! Hooray for  wikipedia Rick who put the Martinez Beaver story on the encyclopedia and got them thinking of solutions in the first place and Hooray for Mike Callahan who gave them advice and fed the info to the right people! And Hooray for the very nice CBC documentary producer who demonstrated interest in the story and probably scared the snot out of the mayor!

Hooray also for the Mayor and the Councillor Shad Qadri who even though they weren’t ready to hop on the beaver train eventually had the good sense to get off the tracks!

This is a case where there are a couple hard working women at the forefront, including artist Anita Utas who I mentioned before and Donna Dubreuil, the co-founder and president of the Ottawa-Carlton Wildlife Center. Well done, ladies! November is a fine month for heroically saving beavers at the last possible moment!

Councillor Qadri (who couldn’t be bothered to write me back when I told him about options) just wrote and asked me to share the city’s press release (aka “call the dogs OFF!“)

Thank you for your e-mail message. The following announcement has been released today. Please pass this information on to whomever you feel would be interested.

Lindsay Pond beaver trapping halted

Ottawa – Mayor Jim Watson and Councillor Shad Qadri today announced that the City of Ottawa will accelerate the development of its Wildlife Strategy. At the same time, the City will halt trapping activity in the Lindsay Pond area.

“We have heard in recent days that people would like us to have a second look at how we protect the integrity of our flood control systems and we are listening and acting,” said Mayor Watson.

Staff has proposed that the Wildlife Strategy include a re-evaluation of the City’s beaver management practices, including a development of a risk management evaluation process for responding to conflicts between beavers and infrastructure, such as municipal drains, culverts and storm water facilities.

“I am pleased that the City Manager has been able to act on my suggestion to explore alternatives,” added Stittsville Councillor Shad Qadri. “Flood control is a critical program for my ward and I am hopeful that we can find a way to protect residents from flooding and enhance our handling of wildlife at the same time.”

While even the most progressive experts in wildlife management acknowledge that lethal trapping of beavers is sometimes necessary to protect critical infrastructure and private property, the City recognises that advances in beaver management practices and technologies provide a range of alternatives to lethal trapping. The City recognizes that many of these alternatives are also more protective of aquatic and wetland ecosystems.

Again, I understand your concerns and I thank you for the opportunity to address this issue with you.

Regards,  Shad

Oh and to celebrate we saw three beavers last night munching in the annex around 7:30. I haven’t seen three together since our kits were little!



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