Beavers Create Habitat for Wildlife. Here’s the Proof.
Photo: Cheryl Reynolds
Beavers and otters don’t love eachother, but they’re condemned to be around eachother until the end of days. Remember that the two don’t compete for food, as the otter is a carnivore and not interested in willow. Beavers sometimes ignore otters in their territory, and sometimes show them none-to-politely to the door. Otters are a sort of ‘obligate’ nester, and don’t make their own dens. They would be thrilled to use a cozy beaver lodge to raise their pups and have spent a lot of time checking out the abandoned lodge at Bertola’s. The beavers think that’s frankly not a very good idea, and on Friday both Dad and the two year old gave tail slaps to that effect. The claim that otters will sometimes eat young kits is controversial, and I don’t know that any study ever found beaver parts in an otter tummy. Either way our kits are far to plump to be in danger any more.
I don’t know how anyone could look at this picture and not conclude that lower section of Alhambra Creek, five years ago rated the least healthy part of the waterway, is now teaming with life. That otter wouldn’t be there unless several meals were calling their names. And the ‘fish of the day’ is there because of the beaver ponds.
Thanks Cheryl.