Tonight we were able to catch photos of mom beaver’s eye injury. Remember that Tuesday night her eye was puffy and swollen so that the eye itself was barely visible. Now she appears to have the furry equivalent of a black eye. We are encouraged that this has grown less swollen since tuesday, but still concerned. I have sent pictures to beaver experts and the Lindsay Museum for advice, and hopefully the healing will continue.
Todays news came in the form of a decision from Hess that they can’t turn at the edge of Bertola’s to follow the wall as planned. There is too much concrete and they are afraid if they remove it the existing wall will collapse. This would mean the wall will continue some distance out from the bank, into the creek and through the dam. When I heard this I contacted Igor Skaredoff who was concerned especially by the narrowing of the creek channel. He contacted Dave Scola who assured him that the wall will turn east soon, and the dam will not be harmed. The pile driver boss wasn’t so sure, as he still thinks there is too much concrete to penetrate, but we will see. In the meantime, come keep an eye on our beavers this weekend and see if mom’s eye improves.