Give it up for kbia in Missouri who kindly dedicated their nature minute yesterday to the importance of beavers! I did a quick through past reports and I don’t think we’ve EVER had good beaver news from the state, so this is the first. Enjoy!
Discover Nature: American Beavers
We also appreciate the hard work of reader Rob Rich who recently attended the Water Supply Symposium in Washington state to do a poster session on beavers and teach attendees about why they can help. Check out his hard work. Click on the PDF for a larger view.
Beaver Poster PDFMore hard work from State of the Beaver conference organizer, Leonard Houston who got together with Jakob Shockley of beaver state wildlife solutions to install a flow device last week in Oregon. I thought you’d want to see these photos and enjoy their hard work, too. I snagged the photos off his FB page where Leonard wrote:
Saturday fun in frigid waters with dear friends Jakob Shockey and Pieter Theron installing a flow control device to stop those dang beavers from plugging a culvert and allowing them to enjoy their new home will we enjoy the benefits of an active beaver colony
And lets not forget about the hard work of your best friends Worth A Dam, who received word last week that the Martinez Beavers photographed by Suzi Eszterhas will be a feature story in Ranger Rick magazine in the May 2018 issue! That’s a national children’s magazine that will show how we lived with beavers and you have time now to order your children or grandchildren’s subscription before Christmas! On sale now for just 13.95 for a year of issues, how can you resist?