Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Tag: Joe Palladino

Oh no! A small Richmond neighborhood in Staten Island New York has just discovered it has those rare re-building beavers! How unfortunate, who knew that aberant strain was so very common?

Oh, dam! Busy beavers close dam overnight in Richmond

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — Residents of a low-lying section of Richmond are concerned about their new neighbors — a group of beavers.

The animals, possibly numbering four, have built a lodge near Richmond Creek, and a dam over the water. The blockage has caused flooding to an area that already had drainage problems.

“It was never a lake before,” said resident Joe Palladino, who noted that Oct. 29 was the first time he saw the area “flood out extensively.”He’s counted at least 100 trees that have been felled by the animals as well. “Neighbors and I are all concerned about the number of beavers and the damage they are creating,” Palladino explained. 

Never mind that those little trees could be easily wrapped with wire or painted with sand by a bunch of boyscouts…and never mind that the little dam can easily be managed with a flow device….and never mind that living where you do at the edge of Richmond near the water you’re going to get more beavers for the foreseeable future even if they trap out these ones – Mr Palladno is worried, and he’s talked to his neighbors!

Residents say they’ve reported their concerns to the city Department of Environmental Protection and employees have come to clear the dams. On a recent weekday, the DEP cleared a 2-foot hole. By 6:30 a.m. the next morning, the opening was completely closed with not a trickle of water flowing.

“These beavers are really good architects,” said Dr. Franklin Caldera, who lives on nearby St. Andrews Road and walks the trails in the woods frequently.

You mean to tell me you ripped out a section of the dam and the beavers repaired it that night? That almost never always happens! Whatever can you do?

Thank goodness you have answers at your doorstep. Beavers: Wetlands and Wildlife is about 4 hours upstate from you. Beaver Solutions in Massachusetts is about 3 hours to your east. And the Unexpected Wildlife Refuge in New Jersey is an hour and a half south. All of these folks can tell you exactly how to protect your trees, your streets and your community. And they will also tell you why beavers are the best neighbors you could ever hope to have.

You’re lucky. We had to bring an expert 3000 miles to help us. You just have to go nextdoor.

Plus if you take steps to let the beavers stay, they will use their naturally territorial behaviors to keep others away and turn your little neighborhood wood into a wildlife park, with new species of otter, mink and woodduck.

Count yourself lucky that you already got a great beaver habitat photo shoot from Staten Island Advance photographer Jan Somma-Hammel. I don’t know if she even realizes how lucky she was to capture this:

Rare glimpse of actual top teeth:Jan Somma-Hammel

As you know, we almost never see top teeth in a live beaver. Look close and you will see her displaying his or her pearly whites – er- tangerine oranges doing what they do best.

I will see if I can reach anyone at Richmond beaver central and try get good answers their way. Some of those tree wrapping jobs are ridiculous. Today is a great day for Richmond to learn about beavers.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to end the post with Billie. It’s irresistible.



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