Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Tag: Greg Alderette

Steilacoom Washington is in the wet middle of the pacific edge of the state below Seattle on Puget Sound. It likes to boast it is the oldest incorporated city in the state and has probably been the site of at least on wayward whale visit.

It also is home to Farrells marsh which was home to some beavers. But it has no room for beavers any more.

Letter: Petition to Save the Beavers of the Farrell’s Marsh in Steilacoom

Submitted by Greg Alderete, Founder of Citizens for the Protection and Preservation of the Farrells Marsh.

Sadly, members of the group Citizens for the Protection and Preservation of Farrell’s Marsh Wildlife Preserve announce that Steilacoom Mayor Ron Lucas has again hired a trapper to kill the beaver family (nesting pair and three kits) so their dam can be destroyed. During the last year has chosen to not follow the expert advise of multiple environmental and wildlife experts against this cruel and unnecessary slaughter.

The optimal solution to live with the beaver is to place a small pipe in the dam at the optimal level of the pond, called a “Pond Leveler or Beaver Deceiver). Substantially more cost effective than $900 every year the Town pays the trapper. This will prevent flooding, keep the water level at an optimal habitat level while replenishing the aquifer. The beaver cannot compromise this system and will thrive as the marsh continues to provide for the fragile ecosystem while at the same time the removing contaminated street drainage (oil, pesticides, other heavy metals) before entering directly into the the Puget Sound.

Whoa. I have to keep reminding myself that this is Washington so even when mayors make stupid decisions the citizens know the right thing to do.

In the last year the Beaver have restored the marsh and amazingly wildlife and waterfowl, not seen in the marsh in decades, are returning. Several trails are flooded for now but alternate trails have been pioneered to work around this minor inconvenience until the water level goes down (May-June). Bring your Kayak and camera and enjoy the serenity of this spectacular wildness sanctuary.

If you frequent the marsh I would encourage you to learn how to remove one of these traps from your pet or child. A quick search on the internet will demonstrate just how inhuman and lethal these traps are. The trapper has been given approval to remove the beaver by Mr. Lucas because he sees them as an imminent threat to several residents homes who live near the ineffective culvert drainage system the town has decided not to upgrade.

Yeow! Greg Alderette you go straight to the heart of the matter. 1,2,3. 1 There is a better way to control Beavers. 2 Beavers have a dramatic impact on the ecology. And 3 trapping is dangerous and kills unintended species. Boom Boom Boom. You’ve sure got this covered.

Not sure why this letter is being printed now, since the beaver bruhaha happened way back during the summer, but I guess things are finally thawing enough to get accessible for the trapper? It’s amazing that you are so close to solutions and still chose to ignore them and rely on your trap-happy friends for help.




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