Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Tag: Grand Canyon Trust


Yesterday, Joe Wheaton’s webinar offered an intelligent and dynamic look at the issue of beaver and climate change. I was particular struck by this slide about the projections for snow pack water storage in the western states. Look at California. We’ve been relying on the sierra snow pack for so long we can hardly imagine living without it. This slide predicts climate change will lower that by a a third in 2050. Hmm you’d think that would make folks interested in the best water saving engineer the world has ever known, wouldn’t you?


It was fun to know a lot of the people attending the webinar. I would have loved to see the ones I didn’t know so I could track them down! I was glad to see that this website was prominently featured under additional resources.


Big smile too when he talked about the awesome research on beaver prevalence from those great researchers in California! (blush). He walked us through the BRAT tool application which he has completed for all of Utah, and talked about some applications in the Appalachians he’s doing now. Afterward there was time for questions and answers and someone asked about how to get change to happen in his community. Joe had an interesting answer about communicating to interested parties by using voices from their own experience. He thought that it was important to be pragmatic and know the science, and he thought things like “beaver festivals” were of limited value at changing minds.

surprised-child-skippy-jonThis of course sparked a response from me (no, really?) and an interesting conversation ensued by email. I asked Joe, Mike and Mary for permission to share their responses and thought you would be interested in what they had to say. The conversation isn’t over by any means, and if you want to add your thoughts you can always send them to me.

   Thanks for the great seminar Joe, I really enjoyed it, but was left with lots to think about with the question at the end about attitude change and beavers.

 This is an issue near and dear to my heart especially since I’ve kind of been involved in all aspects of this over the last 8 years, with the festival, our historic prevalence papers, and the website. I think what has been very clear to me is that beaver attitude change operates on three vastly different fronts – really a trident of change – and those three prongs tend to have very different foot-soldiers. In my observation they are in danger of thinking they’re the most important. But ultimately they are all essential, probably each necessary but not sufficient.

 In Martinez public opinion was the engine that started everything, Nothing else could have done that. There would never have been a subcommittee to persuade without that. That meant kids and parents and people getting personally involved and all the layman mistakes that entails. It meant beaver tails and cameras and a festival. Public involvement drives media. And media gets people’s attention and attention interests politicians.

 Popular opinion and media moved the politicians in our city to try something new. I won’t hesitate to say ‘shamed’. No amount of science or data could have done that. Even advice from other cities who had been through the same situation wouldn’t have done that. Even financial “proof” wouldn’t have done that. Only the bright light of public attention forced them to study the issue at all, which made it possible for me to take the time to learn everything I could and use the science to move the scientists on the committee. They were persuaded by the science and that made a difference.

 But it was public opinion that made it possible to get the city to hire Skip to actually do the work. And it was his expertise that allowed that work to prove itself. which persuaded city government to allow it. If his flow device hadn’t worked none of the above would have mattered, because flooding would have trumped. And if the people hadn’t rallied no amount of persuasion would have forced the city to hire Skip.

 Public outcry moves politicians, sometimes. Science convinces scientists, sometimes. And pragmatic success makes it all work, sometimes. None of these work in a vacuum. That’s what I’ve learned in Martinez. I just wanted to say my idea about that.

 Thanks for a great conference Joe and Mary!


Thanks for you kind words and thoughtful analysis of my off-the-cuff responses to some of those questions.

 I like how you’ve identified three very different foot soldiers. I hope I did not come off as too dismissive of any of those groups. To be clear, I certainly don’t think science is the most important group ;). I also agree, they all have an important role to play and you’re absolutely right that the public awareness and support is critical and the result of the outreach.

Thinking about my response in retrospect, I probably should have qualified that. I feel like today, mainly thanks to the outreach efforts of folks like you, the Lands Council, Mary, Wildearth Guardians, Mike, etc., the public support and awareness part has largely been won. That’s not to say that we should stop doing any of those outreach efforts, and keeping up those efforts is important. However, from my narrow perspective as a scientist, and from my own experiences in working on restoration projects, I feel like the most pressing urgency for outreach needs to be targeted at a much narrower audience. Targeted interactions with the folks who can either make this stuff happen (i.e. decision makers, managers, and to a lesser extent practitioners), and the folks who can keep it from happening (i.e. certain interest groups, specific land owners, specific decision makers and managers) are critically important now. The public pressure exists now on both those groups because of the outreach efforts. In my limited experience, these groups are actually surprisingly receptive too. I guess I feel like I can be most effective by engaging with those groups, recognizing their concerns, and attempting to propose solutions that pay due considerations to their concerns and consider this broader agenda.

 There is not a right or wrong… like you say, we all have a role to play. You’re spot on with the observation that the facts and science don’t necessarily matter. Scientists love to believe that their data and analyses make the difference. Fortunately, there are still some decision makers who like to leverage such data and information to inform their decisions that allow us to keep that delusion alive. However, perception is ultimately far more important in influencing the decision. Where the rubber meets the road is when decisions are made and actions taken; the effectiveness of those actions and their impact depends both on how accurate those perceptions were and how well the data and analyses describe or forecast reality.

 Anyhow, thanks for sharing the ideas and perspective, and keep up the great work. I am so slammed these days that when I eventually look at my own web pages I’m always embarrassed how out of date they are. I love that you keep your finger on the pulse of what is going on and spread that word. We’ll keep chipping away at the science where we can. BTW- nice articles on the expanded range work in CA… very cool.

 Best Wishes


 Joe thank you for your thoughtful remarks which I will read over again many times. But I just want to say quickly that I wasn’t trying to say science was useless. I was just saying that it doesn’t convince everyone. Climate change is a case in point. And I don’t think the battle of public opinion is as far along as you might. I think we underestimate the value of storytelling. Heidi

 Hi All,

Joe, thank you for an interesting and informative webinar yesterday. I appreciate you doing it, and I rest assured I did not feel that your “off-the-cuff” answers in any way diminished the importance that the non-scientific community has in promoting coexistence with beavers.

Whether it is raising a child or creating the right conditions for attitude changes towards beavers, it takes a village. I like Heidi’s term of a “triad” as a good way to visualize the public outreach, hands-on implementation, and scientific research working together to support coexistence with beavers.

In my experience what happened first was that there were individuals who did not want the beavers killed that were causing problems. Their passion is what created the need and desire for an alternative approach. Even when all the wildlife professionals were saying the flow devices did not work, isolated committed individuals were willing to take a chance on any alternative that would spare the beavers. Without those idealist people, my work never would have gotten off the ground. When these people were able to band together as they did in Martinez, then public officials were sometimes willing to listen and try these alternatives. It is my experience that cultural attitude change on a societal scale is an absolute necessity for longstanding changes for beaver management. Society’s attitudes and values determines where its energy and money are spent. So public outreach and education is not only necessary to get things started, but are also necessary for long-term success.

The second fork of the triad is the physical work that must be done to provide real solutions to real problems. Without successful solutions, then even the most committed individuals and groups will soon be tuned out by society. In my experience, talking usually did very little to change people’s opinions. Everyone has an opinion and are usually reluctant to change it. However, when talking was combined with real life examples of problems being solved, that is what changed most people’s minds and opened them up to the possibility of coexistence. And when those solutions were able to not only solve the problem but do it in a way that was better than the old solution, then wow, interest in these solutions began to expand rapidly. As more and more flow devices got installed, more and more people witnessed them and real momentum was achieved. I am amazed that here in MA flow devices went from being universally dismissed less than 20 years ago to now being widely recognized as the preferred management technique.

Now that flow devices are well established in my small area of the country we have only just begun the task of their widespread adoption. Solid scientific research is crucial to make this next step. Government agencies, and other groups as well as interested individuals want unbiased evidence of a solution’s effectiveness before adopting it. As we heard in the webinar yesterday, people want to know if are there any scientific studies looking at these solutions. These studies are the tools for widespread adoption of coexistence. Being able to cite scientific literature referencing what has worked elsewhere is immensely powerful when these solutions are being considered in other parts of the country where they do not have a large number of flow devices to see for themselves. Whether it is basic research on the geomorphological or hydrologic changes beavers create or hard numbers of flow device successes, it all matters and adds to the momentum of change.

I am grateful for the work each of you are doing. It is a great team to be on! 

All the best, Mike Callahan

 Lovely description of the triad, Mike.

 And a value of all of us being in communication is that in different communities, different social/political regions of the U.S. (and world), and different geographical interactions with human infrastructure, one leg of the triad may be worked out differently than in another.

 Socially, geographically, and politically, for instance, Martinez, CA is quite different than Garfield County in so. Utah. So it not only takes a village, as Mike says, it takes a really adaptable, flexible village, with the team learning from each other as well as helping each other. Which we do.

 Mary Obrien

 FWIW, I don’t know how ‘flexible’ Martinez is. Because if another family of beavers were causing a problem today they’d still trap. Just as quickly and silently as possible.

One huge part I forgot to mention on the trident was the beavers themselves. Who happened to move into the downtown creek where everyone could see them. If they had picked someplace more private, the public would have never cared.  Heidi


As you can no doubt see, this is a complicated conversation that could take place over several decades and hopefully a couple tall beers. I’m extremely grateful that they were all so approachable on the topic and allowed me to share their comments with you. It is  a privilege to be part of this discussion. You can watch the entire seminar online here and it is definitely worth your time.

Look at the new project of the Grand Canyon Trust! It allows donors to sponsor dams for a mere 50 dollars! And look at its clever name! Give a Dam!

Recognizing the extraordinary feats and benefits of beaver, the State of Utah has a great plan to help people accommodate beaver where possible and to live-trap and translocate beaver to good sites when they’re setting up in irrigation ditches or other places that are difficult for us and them. You can help Grand Canyon Trust implement this plan and welcome beaver back to Utah.

A dog is often called “man’s best friend.” But beaver just may be Utahns’ best wild friend. Beaver create wetlands for ducks, frogs, fish, and small mammals. They also expand streamside willows and cottonwood for birds, deer, and a host of other animals. They reconnect stream beds with their floodplain, slow the force of floods, extend late-season stream flow, and subirrigate the valleys below their dams.

For $50, the Grand Canyon Trust will help you adopt an active beaver dam! We’ll provide you with information on beaver — and directions to a dam near you. You can help beaver thrive in Utah by going to that dam a time or two each year. Let us know how the beaver are doing, perhaps take photos of their ponds and dams, and telling us about fish, birds, or any other wildlife you see.

You’ll be a member of the Grand Canyon Trust’s network of Dam Watchers.  Beaver would thank you if they could.

Well, people always get our name wrong anyway, it drives me CRAZY. So now when they look up the wrong name expecting to find us they’ll find something good instead! (And imitation IS the sincerest form of flattery.) Maybe some day they’ll be hundreds of organizations like “Not A Dam” and “Deserve A Dam” and “Cost a Dam”. That would be cool.

And the fact that they made 1945 dollars already, well, 50 dollars a pop is proportionally way cheaper to contribute to take care of a dam than working every single day for six unforgiving years of your life – so maybe they’re onto something.

Bruce Thompson was the one who tipped me off about this program. He’s the conservation education specialist from Wyoming that created the crossword puzzle we were struggling over last week. Mine wasn’t RIGHT but it was FIRST and that apparently counts for something in this life. This is what arrived yesterday in the mail.

First a charming note card telling me what I’d won. Just in case you’re wondering, that’s a beaver dropping specifically chosen. I imagine there are other kinds.  I want a set of these more than I have ever wanted a set of note cards in my life. In fact, I have a biologist niece getting married this summer and I bet she would love these as thank you cards for the wedding gifts!

But wait there’s more.  Two adorable bandanas, one with to-scale animal tracks and one with illustrations of actual to scale animal droppings.  So you can be hiking, and pull off your scarf to check what you find. How cool is that?

Pangraphics Scat Scarf and Track Scarf

Here’s a close up of my favorite part: Don’t worry, I know I have to donate it to the silent auction. (Sigh) In the mean time, thank you Bruce!

Bruce sent this info when I said folks might be interested in some droppings of their own.

“Oh, good, I can do some shameless marketing…The “Dropping You A Note” cards are from the “Literary Movement” Collection of greeting cards that I am about to begin field testing. (I also have a “Just Keeping Track” version in the collection, featuring footprints instead of scat.) A boxed set of 12 cards (6 species, including beaver) will eventually retail for $15, but I can let a limited number of interested BMF fans try ’em for half price, plus shipping, if they’re willing to give me feedback. Best to contact me via mailforbruce ( for details.

Do you remember, waiting for the dentist or the pediatrician, reading those old highlights magazines when you were a kid? There was one page called “Goofus and Gallant” that was about two boys the same age, one who did impulsive or badly planned things and one who did helpful, generous things. I suppose it was to encourage children to think about their choices and what kind of actions they wanted to take, (although where the girls were in this morality play is anyone’s guess). Well, sometimes when I look at the Grand Canyon Trust I think of Goofus and Gallant. They do such deft, coordinated, elegant and hardy work. And we do….a beaver festival? If Worth A Dam is a candle in the wind they are a 1.2-megawatt SunPower Tracker. Don’t take my word for it. Just watch for yourself.

This is some great beaver marketing from our friends. Somehow they just keep managing better and bolder things, (and securing better funding!) Take a moment to watch this smart look at what beavers can do for the habitat. Jeremy Christensen starts the film, and our old friend Mary O’brien appears at the end.

Here she is checking out the tiles on Escobar bridge.

I guess even ‘Goofus’ can manage a few good actions once in a while. Oh and after her visit they decided to have their first beaver festival last summer.

Just sayin’.

Two pieces of excellent news that you absolutely will not want to miss, and (like all good Catholics), I’m saving the best one for last. The first is an excellent op-ed from beaver champion Mary O’brien of the Grand Canyon Trust in Utah, where the cartoon-cat county that is holding the beaver festival next month just decided it didn’t want beavers.

The good beaver do

If there’s any wildlife species that should unite Utahns it’s the beaver. After all, we’re the second-driest state in the nation, and more water isn’t likely. Our state’s southern half is hot and getting hotter. We’re in trouble, but beaver are waiting in the wings to help us.

Their dams slow the run of snowmelt off the mountains, which can transform creeks that have begun to dry up by late summer into creeks that once again run all year. While the temperature rises, their dams transfer water underground that emerges cooler downstream. As our wetlands disappear, their dams create new wetlands. As reservoirs fill with sediment, their dams extend reservoir life by capturing and storing sediment upstream.

This sediment raises the beds of streams that have become incised ditches and reconnects them with their floodplain, allowing the streams to once again support the willow, cottonwood and aspen that play key roles in holding our watersheds together. As the gouging of storms increases, beaver dams act as speed bumps.

Ranchers get expanded riparian areas, a livestock heaven. Anglers and hunters get more fish and ducks, and enlarged wildlife habitat. Wildlife watchers get more birds, frogs, otter, mink, and … beavers. Children get to hear a beaver’s tail slap a warning that humans are around. We all get new ponds and meadows.

Now do you see why the first time I read about Mary O’brien I thought she was the most amazing and wonderfully brilliant ecologically minded woman in the known world?  The article that first tipped me off (and remains my favorite beaver article ever) was from the High Country News lo these many years ago, and described her as having a ‘thick rope of a gray braid’. It makes me smile to remember wandering star struck around at the start of the beaver conference in 2011 checking everyone’s hair to see which one was her!

This one!

What’s not to like about beavers? Why did Garfield County commissioners recently request that the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources not move beavers from problem sites to good sites in their county? According to Commissioner Clare Ramsey, it’s because the motives of environmentalists are suspect: They might use beavers to attack livestock grazing on public lands.

The truth? Well-managed livestock can allow streams to become great habitat for beavers, and then beavers can return the favor by expanding the riparian meadows in which livestock love to graze.

Which brings us to a great first-ever beaver celebration scheduled here in Utah — in Garfield County, no less. The Leave It to Beavers Festival will take place Sept. 21-22 at Escalante Petrified Forest State Park near Escalante. There will be music, food, a live-trapping demonstration, great children’s activities, Hogle Zoo animals, hikes to beaver dams led by local residents, informational displays, and art and photos of Utah’s beavers (it’s not too late to enter one of the four art and photo contests).

Nice! This is as good a time as any to remind readers about this from their festival website under ‘about’:

Why a Leave It to Beavers Festival?

In July 2011 Mary O’Brien of Grand Canyon Trust had a grand day in Martinez, California at the fourth annual Martinez beaver festival sponsored by the local group, Worth a Dam! (Their rollicking, inspiring website: We decided to shamelessly copy in Utah the spirit, fun, and great information of that Martinez beaver festival.

And that’s what I call full circle.  Go read the entire article and add a yea-beaver comment to the mix! Garfield will thank you!


And now for the even more exciting news on last night’s kit-watch. We arrived early because we wanted to see if Jr was coming out from the regular bank hole and then going upstream before coming down from the primary (thus giving a false impression of having slept up there!) I have a hard time imagining that beavers decide whimsically where and with whom they are going to sleep every night, and wanted to understand it better. It was very high tide, so high that the secondary dam was sunk under a foot of water that extended all the way into the scrape where it hasn’t reach for years. No beavers emerged until almost 7:30 and then SURPRISE) it was Jr. coming obviously from upstream and browsing the blackberry bushes before swimming ‘through’ the secondary dam and toodling around the boundaries.

He was so relaxed and far afield that we were beginning to get nervous that the high tide had ‘taken away the toddler fence’ and he was going to swim out to sea, when along came two adult beavers swimming side by side from upstream. (Mom and Dad?) The larger one went ‘through’ the dam and the smaller one swam up to the kit, touching noses and swimming in a circle with our little fellow who (much to my delight and amazement) gave the classic KIT VOCALIZATION and whined several times, paddling onto her back and tail.

It was too dark for photos but we stood on the bridge oohing and ahhing as mom and Jr. swam side by side past the secondary, and far down stream out to the wide world beyond. Dad was ahead of them but still visible and I could tell it was an important night for beaver education. I wondered if the parents had ‘decided’ this ahead of time? Or just read his behavior and responded? We have never seen them both come at the same time. and never from upstream. It made me also realize that in super high tides their usual bank hole might not stay dry, that that might be why they move up stream, which makes sense.

The very best part was that our little one wasn’t alone anymore and we got to see how careful and caring his parents are of him. That was easily worth an early dinner, rowdy homeless, and a pesky yellowjacket. I am so proud of our beaver family! In case you forgot what a beaver kit sounds like, here’s a reminder.


Finally: Your Help is Needed

Moses said someone was fishing from the footbridge the other night, an adult man who refused to leave and was dropping his baited hook in front of the little kit to get him interested and dropping it on his back on purpose because it was ‘funny’. Obviously a kit doesn’t want to eat a worm but Jr won’t actually know that until he takes a bite and by then the hook would be in his mouth or throat or intestines.  The protective disapproval of a bold community needs to help keep an eye on our little kit and make sure this @$$-%#*% fishes somewhere else. Please, if you have time in the next couple of weeks in the evening come by  and lend a watchful eye.

Yesterday I received this paper from Mary O’Brien, reporting the final figures on the fiscal impact of beaver wetlands in the Escalante River Basin of Utah. It was prepared by ECONorthwest at the request of the Grand Canyon Trust with support from the Walton Family Foundation. If money talks, the beavers are great communicators. When you think of the value of water storage, wildlife habitat and erosion prevention, it adds up to some pretty remarkable numbers.

“Restoring healthy populations of dam-building beaver can potentially impact ecological structures and processes in the basin of high and growing economic importance (Figure ES1). In particular, beaver activity can potentially substantially increase the area of aquatic and wetland habitat, increase base streamflow, and recharge aquifers. Improved baseflows and habitat structure would contribute to improving the temperature conditions the Utah Department of Water Quality identifies as constraining fish populations in the basin. Limited surface water supplies and storage options lead to high economic values for improved accessible streamflow.”

Go read the entire thing over a cup of coffee, and drop a copy off to your local city manager.

“Restoring beaver populations in the Escalante Basin has the potential to generate benefits to residents and visitors across a wide range of ecosystem services. If beaver populations reached their regional potential, the annual value of benefits could reach well into the tens, even hundreds of millions



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