Looks like Ontario’s Frontenac is on the good side of a learning curve about beavers. You’ll remember that back in May we posted about the bruhaha of neighbors being upset over the beaver cull that happened after the spring rains. To their credit, Frontenac agreed to accept some help from Fur-bearer Defenders and brought in Adrian Nelson to talk with them about flow devices. Well it looks like the message took – mostly….
This week’s EMC says that Public Works director Mike Richardson is going to try on of these new-fangled flow devices all the kids are talking about.
“I have reviewed the possibility of putting up a beaver fence on a culvert that crosses Long Lake Road at Opeongo Point Lane,” Richardson told Council at the regular meeting last week in Sharbot Lake. “This location was suggested by the cottage association from Opeongo Point.
Putting in a beaver fence? In Ontario? That’s very encouraging. It’s almost like you listened to Adrian and the rest of the world when we wrote you about options and humane tools for beaver management.I’m impressed Ontario.
“I did say that I did not expect that we could stop the beavers from plugging the fence once it was built, but it would take them longer than just filling a culvert, and if we build the fence so that it is easy to clean by backhoe then we should come out ahead with respect to water management,” he said. “It’s somewhat manageable but most of the factors are in favour of the beaver.”
And if you slept in a tent without a roof it would be easier to sweep out afterwards, and if shoes didn’t have soles they wouldn’t wear out so quiclky or if you drove on only wheel rims you’d never have to worry about a flat tire! Okay, Mike. Listen carefully! The trapezoidal culvert fence or “Beaver Deceiver” is a particular design based on beaver behavior, and if you alter that design so that its easier to get in with a backhoe then the thing won’t work at all and you will be wasting your time and your taxpayers dollars.
I know you’re worried about this failing, but, to paraphrase lady Macbeth, do it right it WON’T FAIL!!!
Macbeth: If we should fail?Lady Macbeth: We fail! But screw your courage to the sticking-place, And we’ll not fail. Act I Scene VII
Let’s hope that Frontenac is willing to risk success and put some faith in the new tools it says its willing to use!