Deal another hand at the beaver table, because Maryland’s own Ecotone just entered the game with full pockets. Way back in February the CEO and founder of the group, Scott McGill, joined Mike Callahan and Frances Backhouse on an exciting podcast about beavers saving the Chesapeake. remember?
PODCAST: Can the mighty beaver save the bay?
Now their swanky eco-website has a whole new beaver management wing!
Ecological Beaver Management Solutions
The North American beaver is a keystone species whose activities promote ecological biodiversity across the landscape. Beaver dams help improve water quality by reducing sediment and nutrient flow to downstream sources, creates wetlands and enhances wildlife habitat.
Beaver activity on private and public property can become a nuisance, impact agricultural activities, flood infrastructure, and impact valuable vegetation. In the past, trapping (killing) was the only available option to mitigate potential beaver problems. By working with researchers and experts from around the US, we are able to offer an ecologically friendly beaver management solution by designing and installing custom flow devices (i.e. beaver deceivers) and culvert exclusion fences, providing a long term cost-effective solution. Ecotone installs flow devices to manage the size of the beaver pond, regulate water levels to desirable levels, and mitigate activity around culverts, while also keeping the dam, and the ecosystem services it provides. By working to co-exist with the beaver we can create a cascade of benefits to water quality and biodiversity. .
. Ecotone has partnered with Beaver Institute – a nationally recognized nonprofit organization focused on beaver management and watershed restoration – to bring to market sustainable beaver management solutions that help resolve beaver-human conflicts and maximize the benefits beavers bring to the environment.
It’s wonderful to see the seeds of Mike Callahan’s beaver institute take root and grow into such a healthy enterprise. Beavers everywhere are thanking their lucky stars that Ecotone climbed on board, and Mike decided that being a Physicians Assisstant just wasn’t for him.NO