Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Tag: Dave Alden

Do you remember the story of Odysseus and the Sirens? He was on his way home from the Trojan war and had to pass one of the greatest perils known on land or sea. The ‘Sirens’ would sing their beautiful alluring songs and appear to sailors as beautiful, nubile women looking for a good time, but when the sailors tried to come to them they would crash to their death and be ravished by terrible clawed monsters.

Odysseus was warned of the Sirens, and wisely protected his crews’ ears with beeswax as they sailed past. But of course  he  wants to know what all the fuss is about, so he uses none for himself. He has the sense to have his men tie him to the mast so that even if it turns out to be irresistible, he’ll be prevented from escape.

To Odysseus, who is bewitched by the song, the Sirens look as beautiful as Helen of Troy. To his crew, made deaf with beeswax, the Sirens seem like hungry monsters with vicious, crooked claws.

The ship speds forward and no one took out their earplugs or unties the captain until the song was an echo of an echo. The grateful captain comes to and realizes what a terrible fate he was saved from.

Ever since then the road sign “Welcome to Siren” is not a sight that fills anyone with anticipation.

Siren Village Board talks animal issues

SIREN—Several matters regarding animals in Siren came before the vilage Board.

No chickens in Siren: After discussion, the board left in place an ordinance that prevents residents from raising chickens or other farm animals in the community.

Board President Dave Alden added, “We have worked very hard to clean up some places in the village and I have a hard time allowing chicken coops that may be an eyesore. I personally don’t want them.”

 Alden said he has received a request from an established trapper, Scott Thomas, to change the village ordinance to allow trapping of somewater-based animals within the village. Alden said, “I think animals will cause problems in the village if we don’t remove some of the beavers, muskrats and other animals we have. That’s my opinion. It could cause us serious financial difficulties to remove them and un-dam some culverts that will be plugged up.”

Regarding who should be allowed to trap, Alden said, “I personally can name the six experienced trappers in this county,” adding that very few trappers remain.

I’m confused. Is this a Village Board meeting or the personal-feelings-of-Dave-Alden-meeting? I wouldn’t have brought donuts if I knew. I fail to comprehend why it would be a good idea to let trappers next to school grounds, but that’s just me. I’m just spit-balling here but does anyone else think that when Dave says “it’s just my opinion’ he actually means IKNOWTHEBESTSOLISTENUPEVERYONE.

Poor, poor Siren. Not only has to live with a terrible name, it has to put up with trappers in their city limits and no fresh eggs!

We finished our new banner yesterday. How do you think it came out?




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