Hinterland Who’s Who beaver vignette found in CBC Archives
Two of four iconic mini-documentaries on Canada’s wildlife once feared lost have been recovered from the CBC Archives — the loon and the beaver.The Canadian Wildlife Service created the “Hinterland Who’s Who” series, which had its television premiere 50 years ago.
The National Film Board produced the public service announcements, but neither organization had copies of the original set. By chance, the footage had been saved by a former CBC employee, who donated the film cans to the archives.
No word yet on whether Canada has re-discovered the part of their brains that once understood these beavers were WORTH A DAM. But authorities are still hopeful.
Awesome photo from flooding in Oklahoma. I expect all the rain folks are having won’t change any minds about the threat of global warming. Some were outraged that they weren’t rescued, but honestly, given the state in question, I’m just happy someone reached for the camera before someone had a chance to reach for their shot gun.
Nice photo posted yesterday by our Whitman filmcrew enjoying a chat with Sherri Tippie. They should be on the road again tomorrow towards Martinez!
Last day of work at the salt mines before the big day, and thank goodness because five folks emailed whether we would provide chairs even though they didn’t pay for them, the info sheets were ready from the printer, deliveries needed to be confirmed and channel 5 wanted an interview. I’m doing a last ditch presentation to Kiwanis Thursday mostly because we owe them for years of support and then dashing home to meet the folks from Whitman College.
Then its showtime.