Over the past 25 years, Tippie has probably live-trapped, fed, cuddled, relocated, observed, defended, conversed with, serenaded and otherwise saved from annihilation more beaver than any person on earth. Her expertise has been achieved through long hours in muddy, trash-choked creeks and endless struggles with know-nothing bureaucrats, smug exterminators and homeowner associations that view beaver as an invasive species. In 1987, when Tippie first started Wildlife 2000, her grassroots organization dedicated to beaver rescue, she was ridiculed by wildlife officials as a rank amateur; now members of those same agencies seek her out for advice and beg her to conduct seminars on how to trap safely.
Ohhh add Alan Prendergast’s remarkable article to the growing list of the “best beaver articles ever written”. Sherri Tippie obviously makes an inspiring subject and you won’t want to miss any one of his fantastic eight pages talking about her life, her work and her attitudes. He finds time along the way to sing the praises of beaver and make sure the reader knows why she bothers.
This is my favorite sentence:
Even some of her most loyal supporters wish Tippie was a little less outspoken in her views on exterminators, dunderhead wildlife officers and others. But that’s just not who she is. “She’s the most ethical person I’ve ever known,” Gasser says. “And one-minded — is that a good word? Just totally focused on the beaver. I wouldn’t say she’s high on the diplomatic approach, but I have seen her do that.”
One minded about beavers? Outspoken about dunderhead wildlife officers? Be still my beating heart! No wonder I cried throughout most of her presentation in Oregon. Her marathon advocacy is so robust it makes me feel wondefully safe, like a child sleeping in the back of the car on the way home from a long day at the beach. Don’t worry, Sherri’s got this. She knows exactly what she’s doing.
And as for the rest of us, we can only watch and admire a hairdresser who let beavers crawl around her kitchen and talks to them on an ATV. This article is the best thing you’ll read all year and just in time for my birthday. Enjoy.
Sherri Tippe gives a dam about Colorado’s beavers from Village Voice Media on Vimeo.