Wow, nice job! Great lesson for all those science students who learn to solve problems instead of killing them. Here’s hoping the science teacher includes a section on why beavers are a keystone species, and how important they’re involved in saving water. Maybe they should read this chapter by Enos Mills while they’re at it. 911wildlife is a large company with offices from Houston to Dallas in central Texas run by a Bonnie Bradshaw whom I of course I wrote to make sure they had all the information they might need! (She’s already written back. Hmm beaver festival Texas?) All I can say is that it’s much better than this story out of Minnesota:
Animal concern. A possibly sick beaver was reported walking around in the 6000 block of 145th Circle. The DNR was contacted and advised that the animal’s behavior was not normal and it should be dispatched. Police removed the beaver from the area and killed it.
You and I both know that the ONLY thing unusual about that beaver was that it was walking around instead of swimming, and apparently neither the officers or the entire Department of Natural Resources had ever heard of DISPERSAL before. They obviously couldn’t glance at their ‘dam’ calendars and recognize that it was April and time for these youngsters to find home of their own. Much better to just kill them.
A nice caveat to this story is that when I wrote the chief of police about this fiasco yesterday he had the presence of mind to say that this particular block was covered by the county sheriff’s and his officers hadn’t done it. Good. At least they have the sense to be ashamed.