So what are you doing in February?
That stunning picture in the background is the remarkable artwork of Larry Duke who was commissioned by the WA ECY to do a Wetlands poster. If you go to the original it’s actually interactive – because, Washington. I’m sure I’ll be arrested for copyright violation any minute now, but I just felt like it wanted to help me promote the conference. Don’t you agree? Think of it as ‘quilting’ not stealing.
The first conference was in 2007 before Worth A Dam existed. The first one I attended was two years later, where the Martinez Beavers were treated like rock stars. I met Sherri Tippie and just streamed tears joyfully all through her talk. I met Mike Callahan for the first time when he picked me up from the airport, and was to afraid to talk to the famous Mary Obrien or Glynnis Hood because I was fan-struck. I later thankfully got stuck in the airport with Glynnis and we had a wonderful talk when her flight was delayed. I left that conference on so inspired, thinking beaver people were the best people in the world, which is true.
Leonard and Lois Houston work their collective butts off for this every two years and you should make a plan to go and personally thank them for providing a cataclysmic event that started an uncountable number of connections and liaisons. The beaver world would be a different place entirely without their very hard work, and if you can’t attend yourself, pass this along to someone who should.
Since the conference is only every other year, I figured they could have our old poster. Reduce, reuse, recycle, right?