Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Something very annoying and something wonderful…

It’s never too early to start blaming beaver for flooding that may or may not happen. Whenever a city fails to check its culverts or clear its roadways, there’s an easy ‘out’. Apparently even the governor of North Carolina knows how this game is played.

Authorities warn about flooding

State and local emergency officials are expecting area flooding this week with the Tar River cresting Tuesday night. Conditions in Rocky Mount and throughout the Twin Counties have worsened due to heavy rains over the past three days.

Rainfall of nearly seven inches locally and an upstream flow into the Tar River will impact local water levels. The most recent numbers by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s prediction service indicated the Tar River would crest at 9 p.m. Tuesday at 26.9 feet as measured at the Atlantic Avenue gauge. Major flood stage at that location is 25 feet.

Gov. Roy Cooper said flooding and evacuations are possible in Tarboro and Greenville as rivers crest in those areas.

“In the past 24 hours, we’ve seen rainfall like we haven’t seen since Hurricane Matthew,” Cooper said. “We know floodwaters can be deadly and I urge everyone to be cautious and stay safe.”

The flooding is due to beaver dams in the Cokey Swamp, Williford said, adding that he’s complained to city officials and the U.S. Agriculture Department. Every so often, city workers will come out and knock down the dams, but the busy beavers rebuild them almost immediately.

“Even during a dry spell the creek is full,” Williford said. “Just a little rain and it’s flooding our backyards.”

That’s right. The water caused by beaver dams is WORSE than Hurricane Matthew. Because beavers are terrible horrible no-good very bad things. And the city staff has tried and tried fixing the problem with their backhoes and hello kitty dolls but it didn’t work. What’s a governor to do? The dam things just build them again!

Never mind that in a hard rain the dams would have been flooded or blown out so they can hardly be causing that problem. Never mind that you let a year of bad conditions accumulate and decided to blame an animal for your irresponsibility.  I’m sure you’re flooded playgrounds are ENTIRELY because of beaver dams. Because you know how beavers like to store water near play equipment.


On to better news. Jos Bakker lives in Auke Bay, Alaska (which is just north of Juneau) and sometimes posts beaver tidbits on the Beaver Management Forum Facebook page. This was a recent offering which is among the most stunning beaver display I’ve seen captured on film. Ever. (And remember that when it comes to seeing beaver feats on film I’m something of a connoisseur.) Just see for yourself.

Not only is it great footage of a beaver walking upright, perfectly mirrored in the reflection of the water, at .30 sec  it also shows the beaver scent marking, which I have never witnessed. That little wiggle as he steps over his mud pile is the calling card he’s leaving, either to say “girl wanted” or “keep out”. I am so very impressed with this film. Apparently Jos is a photographer and naturalist of note in the area. We are grateful for your sharing it with us!




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