Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!


November 28th – 6:45PM – During a short visit at the main dam site, two kits were seen coming up from the downstream side of the dam. A couple from Hayward came up to see if they could see some beavers and they weren’t disappointed. If you plan to come check out the beavers, besure to bring a flashlight and very warm clothes as it is pretty cold out there.HP

November 26th – Boy is it cold down at the beaver dam in the early evening. Still there are some beaver watchers brave enough to come down to check things out. One of the kits came from upstream and two of the kits came from downstream. They looked fine and were just swimming around. One of the kits that came from downstream decided not to use the gap to cross over but made its own path. He/she perched on a stick halfway over and stood up as though he/she was checking the new path out. HP,JO,Bill

November 24th – 5:45PM – until we gave up as we were freezing- Three brave beaver supporters went down to the dam site to check out the beavers. We didn’t have to wait too long as one kit came out right away. Another kit came out later and they spent time checking out the site. These two kits are about the same size and it was quite some time before the littlest kit came out. All three kits were seen and this time they were all on the up stream side of the dam. It really is hard to figure out where all the beavers are staying and they keep us guessing. We wanted to wait to see if we saw GQ or Dad but we were all freezing so had to give up.HP, JR, LB

November 23rd – 6:45 AM – One of the kits was seen coming from up stream with a twig in his mouth. A large beaver was also seen coming the same way with a branch and swimming towards the lodge. It looked like Dad, as his hair on his head was a little out of place, which is one of the ways we can tell Dad from GQ. It has been quite a while since we have seen him so it was nice to see that he is still around. It looks like some of the beavers are feeding upstream towards Starbucks. JR

November 19th- 5:45 – Received a report tonight that two of the kits were out by 5:45. They were seen around the main dam site. Since it was raining too hard to stay down at the site, there were no further sightings of any more beavers. The dam site will be checked tomorrow to see how it faired with the rain. HP

November 17th – 5:30-7:00 – Last night was an enjoyable beaver viewing night as several core beaver supporters were together waiting for the beavers to come out. It has been some time since we all have been at the dam site at the same time. We weren’t disappointed as all three kits were seen. One kit came out first and spent time taking back willow branches to the lodge. Another came out and they swam around checking out things. One kit finally decided to sit on the flow device and eat some willow and we got a great view of him eating. The last kit came across the gap and joined the others. It was nice to see that they all are doing well.HP,CR,JR,LB

November 11th – 7:00 – Tonight there were some visitors from Cupertino and before heading downtown for dinner, they were able to see one of the kits out near the main dam. At least they didn’t go home disappointed. All three kits were seen later playing about. The water now is very clear, which makes it neat to watch their feet moving as they swim. If you plan to do any beaver watching, besureto bring a flashlight as it is very dark with the time change. JR,JO

November 3rd – 6:00-6:45 – The daylight viewing time is so short right now, but we were able to see all three kits come out and check out the dam and the willow branches. The two largest ones came out first and right before we were getting ready to leave the littlest kit came out. Actually none of them are very little anymore. With the changing of the clocks this Saturday night, if you want to see any beavers, you will have to bring a flashlight or come early in the morning.HP, JR, LB