January 31st – 4:45am – Two beavers were seen this morning. One looked like the same one seen yesterday working on the right side of the secondary dam. He stopped to have a snack. The other beaver was seen working very hard in the shadows on the left of the dam. JR
January 30th – 4:45am – One very large beaver came up over the secondary carrying a stick, which he proceeded to position in the dam, then went on mudding. It was also reported that the day before, two large beavers were send at the secondary. It has been quite some time since any beaver sighting so this was great news.JR, JO
January 14th – 5:15pm – Two beavers were seen down by the secondary dam. JO
January 3rd – 5:00am – One beaver was seen chewing and working on the secondary dam. The dam is starting to look like a dam again. JR