April 30th – 7:25pm – This was the first sighting of beavers in the evenings. They seem to be back on their summer schedule. Two beavers came out near the filter by the primary dam. They continued to swim near the dam and when the observer moved she was given a big tail slap. JO
April 23rd – 5:30am – Three beavers were seen this morning in the early light. Dad was seen very early and he slowly swam up to the bank hole by the footbridge and went inside. Jr. came out next and worked on the dam for some time before going over the dam to meet another beaver coming home. He tried to nuzzle the other beaver and they then both dove under the water. The secondary dam is really looking great.HP, JR
April 7th – 6:55am – Three beavers were seen this morning near the secondary dam. One of the beavers was definitely junior. There was a cut 8 foot long branch on the dam with beaver gnawed marks. A little beaver came over the secondary and appeared to be working on the dam, then yanked that branch off the dam and swam away with it, dragging it into the bank hole by the foot bridge. HP JR
April 5th – 5:45am – Three beavers were seen this morning. One beaver was seen mudding the entrance to the bank hole by the bridge, one was coming from downstream over the secondary dam, and one (little one) was on the bank by the den near the footbridge, trying to get tasty brush. He came way out up the side and then slid plop back in the water. Two beavers touched noses and then one swam upstream.HP