So last night our intrepid beavers were rooting around for something interesting to eat that wasn’t on the menu (“Aw, dad! Willow again??) For some reason they were fascinated by the far bank at the corner between the sheetpile and the dam. One, two, even three kits at a time nosing their way in the corner. One kit thought he would try harder and better than the others and started to climb the very steep bank near the sheetpile wall. S/he got nearly three feet out of the water before he lost his balance and tumbled head first into the creek bumping up against the sheetpile on the way down. In doing so all the fur on his back got rubbed the wrong way so when we saw him again he looked like this:
Once reassured that he wasn’t a bit hurt in his acrobatics, many laughs were had by all humans present, There may even have been a beaver snicker or two from his siblings. The new ‘do’ lasted a good 20 minutes because apparently beavers don’t fix their hair for self-conscious reasons. Last night all three kits and GQ came from upstream. Apparently the more things change the more they stay the same.