There are plenty of perfectly reasonable choices. Sides streams of the Thames, the Trent. the Severn. The Witham, the Avon, the Dee. But you had to pick the Otter. And you didn’t think that might cause a problem down the line?
The other day I was forwarded of an email from Megan at the River Otter Ecology Project. Seems a film crew had contacted her about wanting to do a segment on the beavers. She was rightly confused. So of course sent it to me thinking they had mixed up our names.
I realized right away that this email was, in fact, intended for NEITHER of us. But rather for the good folks on the River Otter working with Beavers. In Devon. They accidentally contacted the River Otter ecology Project when they wanted the beaver project on the river otter! So I contacted the producer and introduced them to Mark Elliot and the good folks at The Devon Land Trust beaver project. And they arranged with each other to set up an interview for valentine’s day.
You’re Welcome.
But if there wasn’t a Heidi who weirdly happened to know the woman saving otters in Marin and the people saving beavers in Devon, this might have never worked itself out. Think of it! The good people England might not get to watch a short segment about how beavers mate for life and prevent flooding on valentine’s day.
See what a bad idea it was to move famous beavers in to the river otter?