So I picked up my luggage in Eugene last night and as luck would have it got settled at the VERY moment Mike Callahan drove down from Portland (via Massachusetts) to pick me up. We had a beautiful drive through rural Oregon to Canyonville and the sun seemed strangley reluctant to set. There was, of course, lots of flat-tailed things to talk about, and some bipedal ones as well. We made it safely to the hotel, checked in and went for a late dinner.
As we were leaving Leonard and Lois swooped in and surprised us with greetings and hugs. They wanted to show us the conference room and get us acquainted. Apparently it was so impressive it startled the keynote speaker. There was a raised long table at the front, rows and rows of chairs and tables, and two huge screens on either side of the panel.
Martinez Beavers in Dolby!
They ran through the cast of characters, who had arrived, who was having trouble escaping the snowy conditions, and who was in transit. Sherri Tippie was here but I haven’t met her yet.
Lucky for me, that was about to change.