Do you remember Robert Rust? He’s the kindly beaver friend who took that photo of mom in 2006, baked the beaver bread for the festival, and regularly removes tires from the creek. I got an email from him yesterday saying that he cleaned the west bank of the creek all the way from the park to the train tracks, and removed many bottles & cans, a large roll of carpet, piles of plastic bags, cardboard and abandoned clothing.
Look how lovely the place looks now! This is the third dam behind the corp yard, a ways down stream. If you’ve never been to see it, visit now while it has had its spring (autumn?) cleaning. The dam is looking more successful lately, and was actually holding back water last night. If you see Robert (aka: Bob the tire guy) THANK HIM!
(On a more personal gratitude note, I owe him an even bigger thanks! I was on the bridge last night enjoying beavers, and then pulled myself away to go check out his handiwork. Thus I escaped the storm of angry yellow jackets chasing the boy across the bridge. Can you imagine how lucky I feel?)