Remember Art Wolinsky, the retired engineer who worked so hard with his neighbors to install a flow device at their condominium in New Hampshire? I connected with him through Mike Callahan’s “Beaver Management Forum” on facebook. Now Art’s watching the fruits of his labors and keeping an eye on two new kits that were born this year. Watching this video I am struck with how solitary our only kit is this year, and how vocal the others always were by comparison. I only heard our single kit vocalize once, the very first day we laid eyes on him. Actually I heard him before I saw him. That’s not the kind of sound you forget. It was one of my most favorite things about kits, and the thing that made me originally protective.
I remember standing at Starbucks, so many years ago, gazing into the water at some furry new faces after the city said they should be killed and listening to them mew and thinking HOW could people want to kill anything that makes that sound and then, have the people who want them dead ever even heard that sound? Do they even know about it? And then finally, if I let these beavers be killed when will I EVER hear that sound again?
It’s a grueling Monday morning, so I thought I’d give you something life changing to start your day. Enjoy!