Looking at the depredation permits of 2016 it is clear we have a winner. (And lots and lots of losers.) For the first time in 5 years it’s NOT Placer. They were edged out by a nose to Sacramento. Although if you look at the number of beavers the permits were issued for, the contest is really not even close.
All told permits were issued for a total of 3,300 beavers in the state of California alone. (I doubt honestly that there are that many beaver anywhere in the state) obviously the actual totals wasn’t any where amount. I think USDA reported 696 beavers killed in 2016. Unlike everyone else they have to report actual beavers taken – not permission given. Wildlife services traps about two thirds of the beavers in the state, so I’m guessing actual take was less than half the allowable.
Still, Too Dam Many.
New this year is replacement of unlimited permits with permits for large sums, like 99 and 50. These are usually issued to utilities, large acre parcels or water reclamation districts. They are annual customers whose names we’ve seen before. If you took out all the big agencies the stats would look a great deal different. Still, it’s a third more than last year, which was twice as many as the year before that. Each permit is issued for more beavers in nearly every county. I’m guessing this doesn’t reflect a sudden boom in the population but a shift in management policy and a wish not to have to do more paperwork.
Bright spots in yesterday’s slaughter review? How about the property manager who listed prior efforts as having used “Friendship traps”. I’m not even sure I know what that is – maybe live traps? – I’m tempted to be totally cynically and ask ‘isn’t all friendship a trap, really?” The other bright spot you can see yourself on the graph if you look very very closely.
One permit issued for San Bernandino County!
Victorville, where the permit was issued, is about an hour west of Los Angeles. If you’re an old timer like me you will remember that there were no permits issued that far south for the past three years and it’s a big deal to have beavers recovering in that area.
(No that CDFG weighs that at all in their decision to grant a permit), but still, it’s pretty cool. There was a campaign to bring beavers back to LA a few years back.
Turns out all they had to do was wait.