Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Beaver Rehabilitation

Every year we gather more stories of orphaned kits raised by wildlife rehabilitators. We have tried to gather some of the best advice and tools to help you provide the best care possible. Here are some articles

Captive Management Guidelines for Eurasian Beavers

Psychological and Environmental Enrichment of Raising Orphaned Beavers

 Here are some places we know have cared for beavers in the past

Sherri Tippie Wildlife 2000 (303) 935-4995 WILDLIFE 2000 CO

Aspen Valley Wildlife Sanctuary Ontario

PAWS: People Helping Animals WA

Beavers Wetlands & Wildlife NY

Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care CA

Wild Heart Ranch OK

              Sonoma Wildlife Rescue

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5 comments on “Beaver Rehabilitation

Elizabeth Hopp

A subdivision developer in Chapel Hill NC is planning to kill 35 beavers by drowning. What alternatives are there for these beavers. Thank you.


Check today’s post Elizabeth. People who care about the issue can make a difference.


Beavers have been active in The Tradition community in South Carolina this year, in Community ponds
and Golf course ponds. They set traps in one pond this past summer, and concerned residents took action
themselves to have them removed due to all the wildlife in the area. many thanks to PETA for stepping in on the first account, the golf course worked with them,
The Beaver family and kits did not survive in the end, and more have shown up in other ponds, traps were set, now they are in different ponds trappers hired again.
This will be never ending and costly, with no one asking if residents wanted to pay or co-exist,
several of us on the pond they started in took preventive measures, killing is senseless.
The emails being sent from the POA President are getting a bit much, Unsettling to say the least,
and am tapping any source at this point for help or advice.
There is so much building in this area they are being forced out of their habitat, not their fault, they are doing what Beavers do to survive!
Hence why two Beavers were literally in our entryway of our house, ran into storm door:
trying to get to pond behind us, again, they need a body of water!


Hi Greta! Thanks for caring about beavers, which have such a hard time with Golf Courses!


I’m personally not very tolerant of golf enthusiasts, or golf courses. Now I know what I sensed all along about them.


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