Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Comments to the Council

In case we have some readers drawn by Ken King’s letter in the Gazette today, I thought I’d repost the video about our Double-Sheet-Pile-Palooza.


Sadly my favorite part of Ken’s letter was edited: but I’ll run the full version here. See if you can guess what it is.

In his latest issue of “Man About Martinez,” former resident Rick Parker, set out to clear some, “air”, which, as best I can tell, referred, at least in part, to some assertions that I had made in a previous letter to this same space, which essentially pointed out the sycophantic relationship between Dunivan, and other downtown stake holders and the city council as it relates to beavers and a redevelopment agency. While ignoring the main thrust of how business got done in Martinez, he chose to defend only the “emergency”, the motivation regarding the beavers and Dunivans character.  
First, Mr. Parkers Palinesque reading of the engineering reports showed an imagination fitting of the great attorney that he is. But it turns out, as my hard earned experience as a general contractor has taught me, engineers are a lot like attorneys. You can always find one to support virtually any point of view. Mud sliding away from the wall is a bit different than a wall (and presumably the entire restaurant behind it) up and sliding eight inches east away from the mud. Those are some pushy beavers! But for real hoot, check out Heidi Perryman’s website

for some actual chronologically interesting pictures of previous work done in the exact same place! Seems the reason they put their new spite wall out in the channel is because they were trying to drive pilings down on top of existing pilings. Oops! Oh well, what’s a half million among close friends? I hope this second wall works. We don’t have a lot of creek left! 
Secondly, his “bullet in the head” theory has some holes in it. It may be true that if one were put into the head of the first beaver that swam up the creek, forgivness would have, no doubt, been easier to obtain than permission. But that ship sailed the day the first baby beaver hit the internets.
As for the Dunivans character, the previous observations should say plenty, however, in real life, few people are one dimensional. The fact is that, not only have the Dunivans been generous to the Parkers, contributed to the Joltin’ Joe, (as have I) and many other things, I would go even further to say that almost all of the major downtown property owners and RDA supporters, have contributed mightily to upgrade the quality of life in Martinez somewhere along the line. Even when Sniedly Turnbough was not busy tying baby beavers to the railroad tracks, he found time to literally clean-up the old city hall and provide a place for Starbucks.  But enough about him, I don’t want to get sued for saying to many nice things.
I believe that even the nicest people are not immune to powerful motivation. What we are talking about here is the basic financial motivation to continually subdivide every parcel into ever smaller parcels for the greatest profit. Recent experience has shone that the city council will not hesitate to issue variances to roll back virtually any rule. Setbacks, height limits, parking requirements, density, you name it, they’ll squeeze it in.  The very charm that we enjoy here in the downtown area is the result of steady progress by these same people, over time.  A RDA is designed to fast track this process via shifting local monies to state coffers in hopes that it may some day return. Meanwhile look for low-cost, high density housing to flood downtown north and south of the tracks.



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