Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Category: Michael Gibson Natural Resources officer

Every now and then you encounter decisions made by theoretically informed individuals that are so egregious and devoid of common sense, that you just HAVE to write about it. This story about an airforce base in Louisiana fits the bill.

De-watering demolition defends against flooding

BARKSDALE AIR FORCE BASE, La. — Airmen from the 2nd Civil Engineer Squadron Explosive Ordnance Disposal flight detonated explosives under two troublesome beaver dams in the east reservation on Barksdale Air Force Base, July 29.

The process of removing beaver dams is called “de-watering” and is necessary to keep the environment healthy and safe.

 “Beavers will expand their habitat as far as nature will allow, and they will keep building their dams higher and higher if not stopped,” said Gibson. “By controlling the beaver population, we can help prevent flooding and damage to infrastructure. The flooding also drowns the trees. We lost around 10 acres of trees here because of flooding due to beavers dams.”

That’s right. Even though our tax dollars are paying Michael Pollock to do research proving that beaver dams are good for trout and erosion. They are also paying for soldiers to keep their hand in between military assaults by blowing up beaver dams. To keep the environment healthy. Because nothing is healthier than mud, sticks and fish blasted into the air.

It seems instructive to me that no matter what youtube video you watch of blowing up a beaver dam (and there’s a bushel to chose from, believe me) that the blast is ALWAYS followed by hoots and whoops of excited men.

Blowing up beaver dams is the cialis of watershed management. Boys just LOVE it.

Calling this procedure a technical term like the “De-watering” is particularly annoying. As if this extreme action was really for the good of mankind. It’s like calling the economy collapse of 2009 the ‘de-mortgaging.” Or your health insurance rejection a “De-benefitting”. Or  your company firing you a “De-employment” Just don’t come to FEMA for drought assistance when all your water dries up, okay?

Just because you put a DE in from of it doesn’t mean it’s not a stupid idea.


I have to mention that this time last week we were already exhausted in a good way from the best beaver festival ever. Honestly, it seems like a world away, but the calendar swears it has only been a week. This year we had most of our expenses paid for with grants, so were pleased that we not only held a very well attended event, but also generated funds for the next one. We have only one final item from the silent auction to get to its owner, and everything is organized and put away.

(Mind you, I have a shrink talk to give at the BAR at the end of the month, so I have to start working now and hope I can remember anything at all except beavers when the time comes.)




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