Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Category: Who’s Killing Beavers Now?

It’s a funny thing. You make a fancy ravioli dinner for 12 of your closest beaver friends and you spend the evening chatting about the first East Coast beaver conference or repeated train rides to sacramento to get the governor to back the right legislation or countless meetings with the watershed association and fish and game to replant creek or remastering the renaissance style of painting directly with eggshell and you feel like the world is pretty  close to getting it right. It’s all within reach, and you are sitting with the right group of people to reach it.

And then you get up in the morning and read an article like this, and realize how far we truly have left to travel.

Beavers create travel headache for southeast Muhlenberg residents

MUHLENBERG COUNTY, Ky. (1/3/20) — The beaver population in southeastern Muhlenberg County has created a dam issue along Mud River Union Road.

There are approximately 50 residents who live at the end of the county road, where a nearby creek flows into Mud River. It appears water is across a section of the road about a half-mile leading to the homes, which makes travel difficult.

Muhlenberg County Judge-Executive Curtis McGehee said this week that the issue was brought to his attention during his tenure as sheriff a few months ago. He is speaking to road department officials and magistrates about hiring a beaver trapping expert to help remedy the issue.

Until the beavers are under control in that area, there’s not a whole lot officials can do.

It takes a judge to kill a beaver in Kentucky? 

Well, I guess a flow device is right out then, your honor? I mean if you’re going to falsely incarcerate thousands, bemoan the closing coal plants  and shut down all the women’s clinics, then progressively managing beavers is impossible. Right?

Too bad for Muhlenberg. Because this whole flooding this is going to happen again. Soon.

Primghar Iowa is in the upper left hand corner of the state – almost touching Minnesota. A small county seat of less than 1000 people it’s primary claim to fame is its most famous resident Joseph Welch the head counsel for the United States Army, who asked Joseph McCarthy, incredulously what we no longer bother to say in the current administration “Have you no decency, sir?”.

Well apparently they’re not content with simply being first to pick the president anymore. Now they want to kill all the beavers. In fact they want to kill 90% more beaver than they actually have.

I’m not kidding.


O’Brien County establishes beaver bounty

PRIMGHAR—O’Brien County is leaving it to beaver trappers to take care of cutting down the large furry rodent’s numbers.

On Tuesday, Dec. 10, in Primghar, the board of supervisors established a new countywide beaver bounty policy effective with the beginning of beaver trapping season through one week after the end of the season.

“The price doesn’t change based on the age of the beaver,” said board chair Sherri Bootsma. “They’re going to have to indicate where the beaver was harvested,” Bootsma said. “It is kind of an honor system, but they do have to map out where it came from.

A bounty of $35 will be paid per beaver until a maximum of $5,000 from the county’s rural services fund for the season has been paid out.

Just so you understand what we’re dealing with here, at 25 dollars a head -er a tail- pays for 142 beavers to be slain. Iowa has been subject to plenty of flooding and I suppose those dislocated beavers could be swimming about trying to find a home,  but when I check wikipedia it tells me that the entire county has .2 square miles of water to its name. That’s about three football fields of water if they’re lucky. And there is zero fucking chance of finding 142 beavers in 3 football fields.

So basically what they’re done is create a dead beaver import business. Good luck with that.

“The theory is, it’ll start a decrease in their population,” said supervisor Dan Friedrichsen. “Then they get harder to trap and their population is where maybe it needs to be.”

He noted he does not want to see the county’s beaver population totally wiped out.

“If it’s a lake, they deserve to be there; they should be there,” Friedrichsen said. “Certain systems — they need to be there.”

“We have a pond that has a family of beavers there,” Friedrichsen said. “We like to take two a year out of that family, and then that keeps the damage low. It keeps them from spreading.”

That’s pretty charitable if you, sir. Only killing off a few family members every year. Pretty dam charitable.  Bless his heart,

Apparently you have to bring in the WHOLE beaver with tail attached because they don’t want to shell out money for someone who just goes to a fur dealer and buys up a bunch of tails. You know?



It begins with an ask.

If you want to have something new you have to start by requesting the change. Even if they’re sure to be turned down. Even if they’re pie-in-the-sky and way more than you can achieve. You have to start by making it clear what you want. Even if its just to yourself, so that you have something to push against as you move forward.

Consider this the ask.

EPIC Petitions for Better Beaver Regulations: Proposed Rules Would Clarify Rules for Trapping

EPIC filed a rulemaking petition with the California Fish and Game Commission to ensure greater protections for beavers and to clarify existing legal rules concerning their trapping. Together on the petition were the Center for Biological Diversity, the Occidental Arts and Ecology Center, and the Northcoast Environmental Center

The proposed regulations would impact the 700+ beavers killed each year because of conflict with the human environment, and would require individuals to exhaust non-lethal methods to deter or diminish conflict before a permit could be issued that would allow their lethal removal. It further codifies federal law prohibiting the removal of beavers if that removal would harm a species protected by the Endangered Species Act.  

Consider this the shot across the bow. Don’t kill beavers until you’ve tried not to kill them first. And don’t kill beavers when endangered species like salmon and red-legged frogs and least bell’s vireo rely on them for habitat. Actually the rule change text is gentler than the article makes it sound. The landowner just has to show they tried one non-lethal means. Like wrapping trees. Many depredation permits already include this info. But I assume it’s not required.

This is a “proposed rule change”  which has to go up before the fish and game committee to be considered and you can already imagine the resounding NO votes it will receive. But it’s an ask. And it is filled with really epic, important things. Like this:

Beavers are Biologically Important to California

The North American beaver (Castor canadensis)is native to California. Accordingly, the flora and fauna of the state have co-evolved with the beaver, developing unique and complexinterwoven relationships.Beavers, however, are currently missing from much of their historic range and the effects of their absence are felt by the species that co-evolved with beavers. Beaver create freshwater habitats used by a variety of wildlife, including fish, birds, and other mammals. Their dams filter stream water, improve water quality, raise the water table, increase water storage, and repair eroded riparian areas. In particular, beavers have a significant beneficial relationship to many species currently listed as threatened or endangered under the California Endangered Species Act and/or the federal Endangered Species Act, such as coho salmon. The proposed amendments to the regulations recognize the unique ecological importance of beavers and take steps towards promoting our co-existence with beavers by prohibiting the commercial trapping of beavers,and by requiring that non-lethal or less-lethal measures have been taken to avoid and minimize conflicts with humans.

For reasons I am not privy Worth A Dam was not asked to be a cosponsor of this proposed rule change OR asked for any information obtained from the last five years of review of depredation permits, ahem. or asked for information about how other states regulate beaver trapping. Still, the somewhat glaring omission doesn’t negate that this is an important ask. An ask that’s a big deal

The total impact of beavers to the hydrologic characteristics of streams is difficult to overestimate. Beaver dams increase in-stream storage capacity, which in turn has been shown to result in greater summer flows, even going so far as to result in continual flow in previously seasonal streams. Impoundment of water also has been shown to stabilize water temperatures.Beaver dams slow stream flow resulting in increased sedimentation, thereby raising incised channels to the point where streams are reconnected to their historic floodplain

We are very happy for the mention of hydrology and water impoundment. California cares about drought. But I would argue this doesn’t go far enough. What about groundwater and the sinking aquifers in much of California? What about fire prevention? What about saturation of soils that prevents the wildfires that destroyed Paradise?


Well, as far as shots across the bow go, this one is pretty dam good. We’re EAGER to see what muffled excuses CDFW offers in response. You know it will be something pretty effusive and super concerned with landowner interests. I just wish the application had included more about how GOOD it is for landowners to have beavers on their property. Keeping water on their land and making sure their well doesn’t run dry while preventing fires.

And Cinderella of course wishes she’d been invited to the party, sniff, but I’m very interested in seeing what happens next.


Quick! To the beaver mobile! Connecticut needs our help!

Hikers Concerned About Beaver Trapping on Larkin State Park Trail

Four beavers were captured off of the Larkin State Park Trail after the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection recently issued a trapping permit to address flooding concerns in the Oxford area.

“We purposely walk that way just to see them,” said Carrie Bartomeli, who walks the trail weekly with her husband and two dogs and enjoys the beavers.

She said she was devastated when she heard the DEEP issued out a permit to trap the beavers that have made the area their home.

Why is it that it takes nice shocked people on the ground to get experts to do the right thing? I don’t know but eyeballs are sure important when it comes to stopping beaver trapping.

In a statement Monday, the DEEP said in part, “ongoing flooding by beaver activity along the Larkin Bridle State Park Trail made a particular section of the trail impassable to hikers, bikers, equestrians and park and emergency vehicles, which created a potentially dangerous situation to the public.”

A DEEP spokesperson could not confirm what happened to the beavers.

You don’t know what happened? Oh I do. They went to live on the FARM right? Isn’t that what our parents always told us when the family dog suddenly didn’t greet us after school?

Look you have people who care about the issue. You are a half hour drive from someone who knows how to solve this problem. You are surrounded by people who can help.

Just do the right thing.


So I’m finishing up the urban beaver pamphlet, and liking how it looks. Lory is kindly proofing it for me and wrote yesterday that it has a lot of really good information, which I am very happy to hear – because that’s totally what I was going for. This morning there are three city article that cover a 3000 mile radius and cross two nations reminding us that there is a BIG NEED for such things. Let’s do the bad news first.

Province hires trapper to euthanize pesky beaver wreaking havoc near Yellow Lake

B.C. government officials say a pesky beaver wreaking havoc to the shoreline of Yellow Lake southwest of Penticton, B.C. will be captured and euthanized by a licensed trapper.

Local resident Dave Campbell is an avid canoeist who expressed concern about the brazen beaver chomping down dozens of trees near a wheelchair accessible ramp to a popular fishing lake.

He said the risk of falling trees near the well-used ramp and walkway to access the lakefront dock is posing a public safety threat and the damaged trees impacts the aesthetics of the area.

“Whole families come here with children — I get a tickle, I get a buzz out of it, seeing people here with their kids playing, running around, having a picnic and enjoying this spot,” he said.

Whole families with children. Really. Good thing you’re killing the beaver because god knows whole families would never turn out if it was allowed to live. You know how destructive beavers are. They just leave a wasteland everywhere they touch.

         Campbell said he’d like to see the beaver trapped and re-located or destroyed.

What a thoughtful man. And so very flexible. The article said you canoe? That’s odd. I usually like canoers.

A re-location of the beaver would be logistically difficult and cause the beaver anguish by live trapping and transporting it and introducing it to an unfamiliar area, according to the ministry.

Beaver populations are not considered a conservation concern near Yellow Lake.

We wouldn’t want to cause ANGUISH now would we? Much better to crush it to death until it drowns.


Now to Minnesota for some worries and bad puns.

Answer Man: Has a beaver taken up residence near Apache Mall?

Can’t a rodent cut down trees without it leading to a bunch of dam questions? (I tried to resist the low-hanging dam puns, but like the beaver, I thought, “gnaw.”)

Yes, Minnesota Department of Transportation officials confirm that a beaver has indeed taken up residence in the highway runoff pond and has taken down a couple of trees. (That’s not the work of a sloppy maintenance crew with tiny axes.)

MnDOT gets a handful of reports of beavers building structures in and around MnDOT structures each year, said Mike Dougherty, MnDOT District 6 director of communications.

MnDOT maintenance crews will work with other agencies to trap and relocate beavers if they block needed drainage, divert water onto roadways or knock trees over roadways. MnDOT works with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the Army Corps of Engineers if a tiny corps of (beaver) engineers interferes with drainage infrastructure.

Okay, I am a very cynical jaded woman. But if the department of transport in Minnesota actually uses Hancock traps to humanely relocate problem beavers in safe locatiions I will eat the bug of your choice. You and I know that this is the thing they say when they want crazy vegans to leave them alone. It’s the middle of November for God’s sake. It’s 33 degrees in Rochester and going to snow tonight. Do you really think that sounds like an ideal time to relocate a beaver with no food cache, and no territory?

Lets have some good news for a change. Some VERY GOOD NEWS from our hardworking friends in Port Moody, B.C.

Management plan welcomes beavers to Port Moody

A new management plan for beavers in Port Moody will make it easier for the industrious rodents to co-exist with other species like salmon — and especially humans — says an advocate for the creatures, Judy Taylor-Atkinson.

At its meeting Tuesday, council unanimously endorsed a comprehensive plan that has been in the works for several months and involved input from several groups and individuals representing the interests of beavers and salmon as well as local streamkeepers, and was prepared by JBL Environmental Services. The plan will be implemented with an annual budget of $45,000 and any unused funds will be put into a reserve to cover potential cost overruns in other years.

Jim and Judy, you are my HEROES. You did this. It was soo not easy. It was so not going to happen without you. It was so difficult at every sticking god-forsaken turn, BUT YOU DID THIS!!! 45,000 dollars a hear for a beaver budget? My god. These are practically beaver moguls. What can’t they do?

The need for such a plan was sparked after an attempt by city workers to relocate a family of beavers from Pigeon Creek in the Klahanie neighbourhood went awry and a young kit was drowned in a trap.

Taylor-Atkinson said the plan ensures such a mistake likely won’t happen again as it puts the emphasis on finding ways for the community to coexist with beavers.

This is it, This is what cost you 45000 dollars. If you hadn’t horrified an entire community by locking up a drowning baby then you might have walked away a little more cheaply. You are paying for insensitivity and bad planning. Well that and the salmon.

But Ruth Foster of the Mossom Creek Hatchery on the city’s north shore told council she’s not convinced the dramatic changes to the creek’s dynamics are good the salmon.

“We fear many years of work to restore Suter Brook for fish may be in jeopardy,” she said.

That’s why education is also a major component of the city’s new management plan, Taylor-Atkinson said.

“Beavers are a public relations challenge,” she said.

You’re poor little handicapped salmon. Apparently Judy has been told that hatchery chum can’t jump over a dam and will just stop swimming if they come to any obstruction. You can see why they had to fight EVERY STRETCH OF THE WAY to get this done.

Taylor-Atkinson said the end result may not look pretty, with chopped and gnawed trees scattered across the pond’s banks, but that’s the point.

“The messier a watershed is, the healthier it is,” she said.

As a result of these efforts, Taylor-Atkinson said the beaver family has thrived. It now numbers at least five but could be as large as seven. So far, it’s still the only known beaver colony in the city.

As well, the watershed has benefitted, Taylor-Atkinson said. Chum salmon heading upstream to spawn have been spotted in the fish ladder and a heron has made the pond a regular stop on its rounds looking for tasty morsels that might happen along.

Let us all pray, every morning and every night, to be half as successful, smart and patient as Judy and Jim. Let us strive to make a tenth of the difference they have made for beavers and nature in Port Moody and lets all celebrate an international holiday in their honor!

Hmm. 45000? That could be a pretty awesome Canadian beaver festival. Just saying.




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