Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Category: Beaver-themed merchandise

These are unusual beaver-themed designed merchandise we like. Some of the items have been donated to Worth A Dam, and some we just hope they will be soon.

 That time the TTC mascot was a giant beaver

In 1968, the Toronto Transit Commission unleashed Barney Beaver, its children’s safety mascot, on an unsuspecting population. The giant dark brown castor with its two massive pearl incisors was meant to educate the kids of Toronto about staying safe on transit, which it did just fine – it’s just shame Barney almost always looked like a terrifying monster on film.

 The black and white pictures of Barney cast him as a shaggy silhouette with only a pair of bright eyes and teeth. His outsize TTC driver’s hat was his only piece of clothing.

As a woman who has seen every type of beaver costume, ornament and virtually every toy beaver from fluffy shapes that look like otters to beavers that look like bears, I have to say that is one dam scary looking beaver. He looks positively menacing. His safety advice seems a little sinister too. Just check out the grim lyrics to his jingle.

Sit well back
With your feet beneath
Or a sudden stop could
Wreck your teeth
Keep your arm in
Head in too
Or that could be
The end of you!

“Nice little 1st grader you got here. Shame if some thing would happen to it.”  Am I wrong? I imagine the campaign was fairly successful, as Canadian children lived in terror of losing their limbs in a transit accident.  They really made sure children got the message:

Barney Beaver had a year-round tour schedule with stops at Toronto schools. The creature and his support staff traveled in one of several city buses that doubled as a mobile classroom. Inside, kids watched as Barney and TTC staff performed pratfalls, swung from the bars, and gracelessly fell to the floor as the bus lurched into motion, in short illustrating how not to be a straphanger.

When I was a child, the repetitive classroom warning that always carried the most mysterious weight was the dire warning pamphlets we received titled “Stay Away from the Canal!“. The cover always showed some child slipping down a horrible concrete precipice.  I had never seen a canal. I didn’t know what one was. There are no canals located within 15 miles of where I grew up. But I was terrified of them. To this day I can’t even say the word ‘canal’ without hearing the looming ‘stayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy awayyyyyy’ in the background. I’m going to guess that this was just after the time Northern California signed a deal to give away all our fresh water to Los Angeles, and part of the trade was they paid for the safety campaign. Never mind that there were plenty of train tracks and buses to keep an eye on. The canal campaign was paid for.


Smokey the bear campaign was created in 1944 and remains a powerful reminder of personal responsibility and care for the environment.  It is the longest running ad campaign the parks department has ever used. And I’m not biased because I’m not Canadian.Look for yourself – which do you find more persuasive?

CaptureOh, and by the way, the most wildly successful public safety campaign was  definitively creative in Australia and stared neither bears or beavers. It should become the industry standard because its catchy, memorable, and needs to pay for zero air time as it gets people to download and watch it again and again.

It’s the day after Christmas which can be a let down for some – so let’s have a round of pick-me-ups. The first is from an well written book review of what was apparently a badly written book.

Book talk: Photos tell beaver tale

There have been hundreds of books written on beavers, and I have read a good many of them. The outstanding characteristic about “Beavers: Where Waters Run” is the excellent photos.

What’s missing from the book by Strong unfortunately is the ecological importance of this keystone species: what exactly the beaver contributes to the lives of many other species. A recent document available on the internet called the “Beaver Restoration Toolbox” is good for this.

The health of fish population are greatly improved by the increasing of aquatic habitat biodiversity, the creating of rearing and overwintering habitat, and the enhancing of growth rates through improved food conditions.

 Their contribution to hydrology includes water storage for late season flow, raising ground water levels, cooling water temperatures (through seepage), increasing nutrient availability, reconnecting flood plains and decreasing sediment delivery.

 Carbon, of which we have increasingly alarming amounts in our fossil fuels driven world, is stored in their pond/wetland environments. The latter create critical amphibian, small mammal, and bird habitat.

Oregon is getting SO smart! The author of this delicious review of what failed to be written is Linda Driskill a volunteer librarian in Grant Oregon. Her name didn’t ring a bell but I figured anyone that smart I must know or (at least know of) so I searched my computer database and realized she had been cc’d in an email from Leonard Houston. Turns out she is responsible for the Keystone Project in Grant, using beavers to create fish, wildlife, raise the water table, well – you know.  She is also the official representative for Grant County Conservationists. I found her grant application online.

9. Statement of Project Goals and Objectives:

  • Restoration of beaver, aquatic ecosystems, fish and wildlife habitat
  • Recharging ground water systems and storage of water for late season release
  • Nutrient cycling (flooding by beaver quadruples the amount of nitrogen available to plants).•
  • Decreasing stream velocity and erosion potential with cleaner and cooler water downstream.
  • Building sediment bars for the reestablishment of willows and riparian hardwoods
  • Providing opportunities for people with different values and beliefs to work together on the common goal of watershed restoration if they agree that beaver can make this contribution.

Good work Linda! You are officially an honorary member of Worth A Dam! Keep it up!

Onto the next best headline of the day….

Beaver Trap Catches Man, Irks Humane Society

The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), Predator Defense and other wildlife advocates have long protested what they say are lax trapping laws in Oregon. A Dec. 15 incident in which a man’s leg was broken in a beaver trap, in conjunction with a press release from the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife saying “dog owners share in the responsibility to keep their pets safe during trapping seasons,” has strengthened HSUS’s resolve to make ODFW tighten its trapping regulations.

 We will never stop pressing for trapping reforms in Oregon,” Beckstead says. “And we will continue to explore every available option,” including petitioning the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission, going through the state Legislature or via a ballot measure.

 I’m not crazy about the word “Irks” but I love the idea of increased trapping regulation in Oregon. Watch out Massachusetts, you aren’t the only ballerina on the stage anymore. Any day now I’m sure we’ll be reading about how the voters in Oregon were tricked into making responsible decisions. Can California be far behind?

Oh and Santa was VERY goood to me this year. I don’t know how he treated you so I thought I’d share in case you need a last minute gift. I’ve already written to thank the company and encourage a donation. Your purchase would DEFINITELY help! You cannot imagine how delightful it is to see that little face peering up through your morning coffee!



Lots of great news this morning, the most exciting of which is that Worth A Dam and the Martinez Beavers will be on the KQED science blog tomorrow morning, and I couldn’t be happier that they have decided to feature what happens when you decide to live with beavers, not just when you relocate them! Stay tuned for a link tomorrow.

The schedule for the Salmonid Restoration Federation conference is out and I see that my two presentations are on the first day and the last day which means that beavers will be the Alpha and the Omega of this year’s discussions and also means I have to take 5 days off work and spend a grueling week in Santa Barbara. Go beavers!

Finally, this story from the Czech ministry may be the funnest beaver report ever. Apparently the newest plan to get people to appreciating nature includes a big request for funds to – well go read it yourself.

Environment Ministry ends year with beaver underwear

The list of items the ministry wants to buy for this money sounds a bit like a well-known song The Twelve Days of Christmas: six thousand pens, crayons, bags, umbrellas and stickers, two hundred cufflinks and scarves. And the item that has got many riled up is the order for one thousand pieces of underwear with a picture of a beaver on women’s knickers.

 Jaromír Bláha, photo: archive of Hnutí DuhaJaromír Bláha, photo: archive of Hnutí Duha Critics have noted not only the inappropriate connotations of the images, but also the unlikely promotional value of the items. The outgoing Environment Minister Tomáš Podivínský is convinced of the opposite, with the news server quoting him as saying that this is a way to make the media talk about the environment and that it will help people realize that we have to continuously care for our beavers.


Yes, Jaromir, yes we certainly do.

Betty Davis of Yucaipa is featured in “Ripley’s Believe It Or Not! Dare To Look!” publication for her collection of beaver-related knickknacks. Davis has the majority of her collection on display in her Yucaipa home and her Redlands office at Beaver Medical Clinic. She is also a Guinness Book of World Records title holder. courtesy photo

Beaver collection worthy of ‘Ripley’s Believe it or Not!’

REDLANDS >> Betty Davis’ collection of beaver-related memorabilia is once again in the spotlight thanks to the new publication of the “Ripley’s Believe It Or Not!” annual.

 The Yucaipa resident is featured in the animal section of the publication — themed “Dare to Look” — which also features “strange stories” from across the globe.

 Davis, who works as a director of historical assets for Beaver Medical Group in Redlands, said she was surprised to learn of the honor. But once she did, she quickly ran out to pick up a copy of the book, which is on sale now.

I don’t know, Betty. That doesn’t look like so many beaver things to me. I mean, sure it’s more than most people have in their office, but is it really the world’s record? Do you have a beaver door-knocker? Beaver cookie-cutter? Or hand painted beaver tails? How about a giant beaver painted by 100 children? You can tell Mr. Ripley I think not!

A mother in Michigan contacted Davis about her collection and shared the story about her 9-year-old son who is into beavers as well.

 Davis was so touched by the gesture, she said, that she kept communicating and soon sent duplicates to the boy for his “little collection.”

Cute about the little boy, and lord knows we need beaver advocates in Michigan. Yucaipa too for that matter, which is just outside Joshua Tree near Los Angeles.  I hope you have inspired this little boy to grow up and becomes an important biologist who teaches his entire state to value this keystone species.

Looking closely at Betty’s collection I see a lot of stuffed animals and a beaver rug. Hmm, it’s true. I don’t have a beaver rug.


Maryjane’s rugs. Hand made $800.Three Beavers 34″ x 18.5″


Eleanor Grosch Dalkner is an amazing artist who has done work for the likes of microsoft and Urban Outfitters. In her spare time she does some work for non-profits and charity’s which is how she got interested in the story of Sherri Tippie and her beaver  quest. Read the fine print where she references the excellent 2011 article about Sherry in the Denver Westword.


 Isn’t it beautiful? Go check out her entire amazing portfolio, which is a natural wonder. Sherri is certainly inspiring. She inspires me almost every day. As I’ve said before, I sat in her presentation at the first beaver conference I attended just weeping because I was so grateful she was in the world. She called the other day to ask how the festival went and say how much she’d love to attend one day. I promised her a seat of honor if the day ever comes. Sherri is very inspiring.

But maybe 6 years of beaver festivals might inspire Eleanor too? Just sayin’.

There is an awful fire raging in Idaho’s Beaver Creek so at the moment every “beaver alert” I’m getting is about evacuations or helicopters. That means I have no amazing articles for you this morning, but I was able to find a few photos you might enjoy. Let’s start with this ‘moss on a log’ beaver from the children’s national geographic contest.


Peaceful, huh? I’m thinking we need a few choice topiaries in beaver park! Next is a painting from Maine that should really be on my wall….but shh…head is a little more “fox” than “beaver”.

beaver dream

This is by Janice Kaspar of Maine. Love the bed of beaver dreams he’s sleeping on. Reminded me of this lodge for humans I found in Connecticut. The Winvian has very unique cottages in the woods. This cottage is called the “beaver lodge”.


At 1250.00 a night its a little pricey for my wallet but still enchanting. There’s an actual beaver pond near the cottage of course. for hard core beaver fans like myself that must be a draw. Of course I’d probably stay in this too:

Beaver Lodge

Come to think of it, I think I DID stay in that. When I was a child I wheedled my brother into making a fort almost exactly like that on my parents property. It was dug about a foot down in the earth and had branch walls and pine needle ceilings. The shadows inside were amazing.

Itchy though.



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