Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Category: pictures

My my my, what a morning of remarkable things at the beaver dam. Dedicated nature fans will already know that we have night herons that roost in the pine tree at Granger’s wharf, but we’ve never seen them up even as far as the train trestle. Jon says that right now they aren’t roosting because they’ve all paired off to nest. This morning I was startled to find this fellow fly onto the primary dam and settle in for a nice long fishing spell. Night herons are monogamous like beavers, and the best bet is that he’s filling his crop to take back to his brood.

I couldn’t believe my eyes when Linda and I saw what transpired. Night herons don’t spear their fish, they wait with their bills open until something good comes along. Apparently while he was holding the barn door open one of the horses tried to make a run for it! Let that be a reminder that sometimes when you’re waiting for something better to come along, you run the risk of losing what you have. As Stephen Sondheim quipped, “you may know what you want but to get what you need, better to keep what you have…”I know I post alot of video but you HAVE TO WATCH this one. It is very unusual footage and has already been picked up by the Cornell Urban bird site!


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Three kits and dad visible this morning, and for all you hard core beaver fans, here’s something I snapped while two kits wrestled at the bridge. Sigh, I guess we’re going to have to officially call them yearlings now. Should there be a ceremony?

Take only photographs.

Recognize these? This is the front footprint of a beaver, photographed by Cheryl Reynolds in Sonoma where the beavers were wreaking havoc a while back. Look at those wide splayed toes, almost human, and think about those front paws which can grasp and hold things. Our habitat isn’t ideal for footprints, but we occasionally see some in the mud.

Once I was told the dynamic story of Mary Leakey’s lecture on footprints discovered leaving the site of the Sadiman Volcano 3.6 million years ago which was spewing ash at the time. The footprints of a smaller female appeared to turn back for a while, then resume the exodus, and Dr. Leakey speculated that this was the first known evidence of human hesitation, meaning that the human brain had advanced already to such a state as to weigh opposing factors and consider the best options.

These footprints, of course,  do not suggest hesitation to me.  They say “direction”. Here’s a drawing to help you identify your own tracks.

I also thought I would share the nice thank you Igor and I got from the Sierra Club on our talk last Wednesday. I appreciated her letter so much I forwarded it onto the council.

Thanks so much for coming out to Antioch for the Delta Group Sierra Club meeting to tell us about the beaver colony in Alhambra Creek.  I suppose that beavers in creeks are considered “normal” — but as anyone can see, the beavers in downtown Martinez are truly  “special”!  Their location is a unique opportunity to study beavers, and at the same time, to monitor the health and stability of an urban creek system.

I think the City of Martinez is very fortunate to have citizen like you willing to volunteer your time to help with the sensitive issue of maintaining the health and survival of both Alhambra Creek and the beaver colony, within the structure of a downtown business area.

The powerpoint program on the Alhambra Creek watershed, together with photos and videos of beaver activity, are a winning argument in favor of  having a beaver presence in the middle of the city.  I have seen for myself the awakening of interest and pride of “possession” for people who drop in to view the beavers at work.  A great asset for the city, and hopefully, with continuing help from your groups, the beavers can continue to thrive as “city” beavers.

Thanks again for joining us on March 12 to share scenes of  busy beaver family life in downtown Martinez.

Janess Hanson
Secretary, Delta Group
Sierra Club

A beaver friend mentioned an upcoming poker game recently and I had to go hunting for this picture, posted by Oceancity 11 and titled “Beavers playing poker at the National Zoo.” I’m actually pretty sure beavers would be horrible poker players. Aside from their unreliable counting skills, they are almost entirely sincere. A beaver dealt two queens would definitely brag to everyone at the table. Although their small eyes might make them somewhat hard to read at close quarters, its hard to imagine them bluffing at all.

(Leave the deceit to the humans, I guess).

I just really like this photo. These beavers have clearly chosen their audience and it isn’t bipedal: trapped in concrete with a sea of looking eyes, they look of course at each other instead. Their disinterest in humans is one of the things I appreciate most about them.

Still, its possible they’re not playing poker. It could also be a post World War II photo of generals dividing up Europe. Party leaders working on a new Southern Strategy? Or maybe evil master minds plotting for world domination…”Lets start with that refinery city named after a cocktail. Then we can fan out and take over from there.”

With all the bruhaha over this week’s activities, its easy to overlook saturday’s signing event. Award winning author Penny Weigand, creator of “The Comeback Kids: The Martinez Beavers” is coming into to encourage readers to buy the book. Remember that 100% of profit from these books goes to Worth A Dam, which will use the money to keep our beavers safe. The child artists featured in the book, Mikayla and Bryanna will be there signing copies as well. The signing will be from 1-4 at Sheila Grilli’s bookstore at 610 Ferry street in downtown Martinez.

Stop by, shake hands and get your questions answered. It promises to be a dam good time

.John Muir Birthday Earthday Celebration



Beaver Alphabet Book



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Ranger rick

The meeting that started it all

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