The real problem with working the same beaver gig for 17 years is that you have shared and developed and misappropriated so many graphics and artwork over the years that you can’t remember what the file is called anymore and looking for anything in your monster keyboard anymore called “keystone” or “Species” or “archway” is HILARIOUS and causes your entire motherboard to emit smoke from the keyboard.
Recently I was trying to find this picture again and could not for the life of me remember what it was called or when it was from. The image of the girl is from a US artist whose name I can’t recall and the archway is from a graphic I borrowed and the water and fish are things I embedded and the stickers are from Mark Poulin from 2015 the year we did the button activity.
I finally figured out that the elusive image is filed with the name “With Stickers” which I’m sure I will promptly forget again. The base image is out on the internet various credited to a 14 year old girl painting, a greek art instructor and assorted origins. I guess that artist is lost to the layers of time although I think I did write her once suggestion she do the artwork again with fresh water species. You can guess how well that worked.