Has there ever been better timing for a magazine article to come out in the history of the world? The Orinda Library just posted about our Ranger Rick article AND the Library invited us to come do a ‘beaver story’ reading at their lunchtime children’s hour before the festival. Sometimes things just fall into place and I’m left wondering how on earth we ever get this lucky.
Then I sent the article to all the fence-sitter exhibits who haven’t gotten back to us yet about the festival and received five new confirmations! One is Ranger Rick himself who will be tabling with Beth Pratt-Bergstrom as the California representative of the National wildlife federation, another is the forest service who will bring their mobile ranger station, and a third is a man who used to exhibit for ‘save the frogs’ but now has started his own nonprofit and wants to table for them. “Save the Snakes!” it’s called!
We’re getting such a nice crowd for the event and I’m starting to need help visualizing it all so I worked on this yesterday, Jon says I’m insane but I just wish I had little tin soldiers to go with it.