I stumbled upon this intriguing video on youtube and it took me a while to realize who it was from. This was shot by beaver friend Paul Ramsy at his estate in Bamff Scotland. Paul is the congenial force behind the “Save the free beavers of the River Tay” movement. His demeanor is polite tweed but his spirit is entirely leather! Be patient with his film skills and focus instead on the chirping sound in the background. My guess is he knew at the time why that was important. Looking at this video you have an idea of why he would become passionate enough about the cause to fly all the way to Oregon for the State of the beaver conference last February. Watch all the way to the end for a special treat.
Speaking of special, today is the birthday of our own Cheryl Reynolds who will of course be celebrating by visiting the beavers she loves best. Thanks for all you do and have an excellent birthday!