Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!


Piebald Beaver: Alejandro Garcia Rojas

Regular readers might remember that Putah Creek is the site in Winters subject to much controversy. Seems there was lots of wildlife and beavers living happily there when some fish experts came in and said it should be ripped out and restored for the precious salmon. It was also the site where Alejandro Garcia Rojas famously photographed that remarkable piebald beaver. Lots of conversations and a conference even took place. but the powers that be were generally agreed the habitat would be destroyed and the channel moved for its own good – killed to save it, as it were.

Well it seems that the project is ready for phase3 – and its still not any more popular.

Putah Creek restoration — is this what we want?

In a heartbreaking move that will destroy valuable Putah Creek wildlife habitat and eliminate a prime viewing area, construction was initiated this past week on a third project to relocate and narrow the channel of Putah Creek in Winters. Much misinformation has been spread to support this project. The approximate $1 million cost for Phase 3 represents a continuation of the misappropriation of public funds that destroy habitat in the name of restoration.

Salmon favor lower water temperatures. Re-channeling advocates claim channel narrowing and reduction of surface area completed under Phases 1 and 2 resulted in a 0.25°C temperature decrease between 2009 and 2014. However, 75 percent higher water releases in 2014 than 2009 would more than explain this slight temperature decrease. Phase 3 will reduce the surface area by less than half an acre (compared to the 43 acre Lake Solano) while moving the creek away from existing shade trees.

The focus on salmon to obtain grant funds and muster public support is leading to the destruction of habitat for other fish and animal species. The wider, slower section of creek included in Phase 3 hosts several species that are not seen in the narrowed channel, including ducks, herons, egrets, kingfisher, beaver, frogs, and the endangered Western Pond Turtle. This section of the creek includes islands that protect nesting birds and other wildlife from cats, dogs, and people.

What is behind our actions is the desire to see restoration that is based on good science and common sense. We would like to see grant funding applied to restoring and protecting habitat for native species of all kinds. We vigorously oppose the use of heavy earth-moving equipment to scrape the land clean, relocate channels, and compact soil.

Please visit for information on how you can support our efforts.

Ahh brave defenders of Putah creek! I’m so sorry that the worship of the salmon idol continues to plague you. Many crazy decisions get made in his name, but the funny thing is that we all know ONE thing that has been proven time and time again to be very, very good for salmon and you’re ripping out his home and driving him out of the area. Even more funny is that he charges nothing for his engineering. I guess some folk never learn.

Meanwhile here in Martinez, I was working over winter break on the grant application for the activity at this year’s festival. It’s due at the Fish and Wildlife Commission next week, and hopefully they’ll continue to find my invitation to support beaver services irresistible,

This year kids will gather stickers which they can use to ‘build their own beaver pond’. They’ll receive a postcard with an uninhabited beaver pond on oneside (showing above and below the water and designed by the artist who is helping us this year, Amy Gallaher Hall, to match the chalk mural she is making in the center of the plaza)   and this on the other side to explain how it all fits together. They get to fill it all in themselves with the stickers. I just finished this design yesterday.

Pretty dam educational don’t you think?

Build a Beaver Pond – Worth A Dam



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