The Wood duck is an easy candidate for “best dressed”. The name aix sponsa literally transelates into “Waterbird in bridal dress”, and it ain’t no boring old white, either. Wood ducks have many unique qualities that make other ducks hang their feathered heads in shame: they nest in cavities, they have claws and the eat acorns! Our eagle scout candidate will be adding three wood duck boxes to the creek, and I thought you’d want to learn a little about the neighbors we’re trying to attract. This isn’t a “pipe dream”, because Ted Radke of EBRP board of directors observed 3 wood duck this winter near the beaver dams. In fact beaver dams are known for providing the best possible habitat to encourage wood duck.
If you’re a woodworker with a passion for beavers, drop us a note, because I’m sure our scout would appreciate some support.