And Great News from our beaver friends in New Jersey
Beavers Program – March 6, 2010
Come learn how to enjoy and outwit the beavers of Franklin Lakes! A beavers program on “Understanding Beavers and Resolving Conflicts” will be held on Saturday March 6, 2010 from 1:00PM to 2:30PM at the Franklin Lakes Borough Hall. Laura Simon and Skip Hilliker of the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) will give an informative and fascinating look at the ecology of beavers and how their unique engineering skills can sometimes create conflicts, as experienced recently in Franklin Lakes. You’ll learn how the “Beaver Baffler,” a simple device, can be used to stop the flooding caused by their dams. We’ll also show how to properly wrap trees to prevent them from being felled. Skip Hilliker has worked with beavers for 35 years and installed beaver baffling systems throughout the northeast, and also done projects in collaboration with various Land Trusts and the Army Corps of Engineers. This presentation should be of keen interest to anyone who is currently experiencing beaver-related problems or simply wants to learn more about them. If you have any questions please call Nancy Yarish at 201-891-0048 Ext. 1204 or E-mail: