Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

A Beaver Year In Review

2010 was a busy year for the Martinez Beavers and their supporters. It’s no stretch of the imagination to say that the network of beaver support spread into a much tighter weave around the country and around the world. Here’s a review of some of our best memories. Click on the story to link to more information.

January 2010:

Worth A Dam helps Burrowing Owls in Pittsburgh

New Species Snipe is photographed at secondary dam.

Trees painted with sand at primary dam.

Lodge under water from flooding

Worth A Dam Logo released.

New Species Fish identified from Green Heron photo

Wood duck boxes installed by eagle scout Mitchel at the secondary dams.

Historic Range of Beaver in California becomes a topic of  research.

February 2010:

Worth A Dam spreads its wings at Flyway Festival

Wikipedia page on Flow Devices launched

Historic Prevalence of Beaver Research Group launched

Juvenile Otter uses flow pipe as a “water slide”.

March 2010:

Former editor of gazette, now School of journalism grad student at UCB launches beaver film.

Beavers at Olympic Closing ceremony discussed in Gazette.

Beaver tiles installed at Escobar bridge.

Worth A Dam presents at Moraga Rotary Club.

Chamber of Commerce adds beavers to postcards.

Date announced for new Beaver Festival.

April 2010:

Worth A Dam makes a great impression  at John Muir Birthday Earth Day.

Research into early trapping habits discusses “Music to Kill beavers by“.

Libby Corliss designs new map for Martinez Beaver Viewing

May 2010:

Beaver Festival 2010 Approved by city

Worth A Dam at Wild Bird Store exhibition

First viewing of Mike Callahan’s Beaver Solutions Video

Bat population makes itself known at beaver dam.

Two Year Old Comes back

June 2010:

Worth A Dam Presents at Close to Home in Oakland.

Two new kits spotted at Primary Dam

Three Kits spotted

Mom’s condition worsens

Mom beaver dies

Two-year old adopts kits

Dad returns and cares for kits

July 2010:

Kit crosses dam for first time

Metal Sculptures donated by local artist

City agrees to hang sculptures

August 2010:

1000th post on website

Beaver Festival III

Worth A Dam at John Muir Mountain Day Camp

John Muir Laws sketches for Bay Nature at Beaver Dam

September 2010:

Beaver Mural displayed at District School Board

Worth A Dam sends foreign correspondent to Latvia

Beaver Sculptures installed at Escobar Bridge

Martinez Beavers in Bay Nature

Worth A Dam invited to present at Valley of the Moon lecture in Sonoma

October 2010:

Worth A Dam connects with Tahoe beaver advocates

Scott Artis upgrades Worth A Dam Website

Mike Callahan wins JMA business conservation award.

Worth A Dam invited to present at State of the beaver conference in Oregon

November 2010:

Worth A Dam gives first beaver management scholarship to Kings Beach, Tahoe.

Worth A Dam presents at Santa Clara Creeks Conference

Worth A Dam consults with Guadelupe River Parks Conservancy

December 2010:

Worth A Dam convinces NPS site to eliminate mistaken nutria photo.

Worth A Dam hosts field trip for 60 3rd graders.

Hooded Mergansers at Beaver Dam

Worth A Dam asked to present at CA State Parks Conference in Yosemite

Wow. When I write it out that way it looks like a lot. Throw in a daily post and three letters to various editors a week and  I guess that explains why I rarely have free time anymore. It’s been a helluva year, y’all. We will miss mom until my fingers cease to type, but lets stick around to see what comes next.



Beaver Alphabet Book



Our story told around the county

Beaver Interactive: Click to view




Ten Years

The Beaver Cheat Sheet



Ranger rick

The meeting that started it all

Past Reports

February 2025

Story By Year


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