Well that was fun. My circulation of the TWS removing beaver dams to rescue trout article raised some hackles among the fish savvy academics. Bob Boucher of the area already wrote them the night before when the article was scheduled to air. I wrote the president of the North West chapter and got a fairly thoughtful response although they did say things are that the topography of the great lakes is different than everywhere else so the research I cited may not apply. This morning I heard from Rick who wrote a response article and is asking Pollock to sign on. Pass the popcorn I say. This could get good. At the very least be ever so slightly more cautious before posting such an article next time.
Amelia sent this yesterday…very comicbook superhero,,,what do you think? I’m a big fan of the old timey watercolors but the word SHAZAM springs immediately to mind. You shouldn’t throw around the term superhero unless you’re prepared to go all the way, right?