I realized yesterday’s story in Marin was a big, big deal. All day different people, including my 94 year old uncle. sent it to me. It occurred to me, it was the first time, not counting Martinez I mean, that Californians really DEMANDED beavers. Asking CDFW to allow them to have beavers is pretty groundbreaking. I kept hearing the tune of Dire Straits “I want my, I want my.I want my MTV” all day in the back of my mind. Except we’d have to change it to “I want my BÆV”
And then there’s articles like this; From the California Water Blog
Nature has solutions…What are they? And why do they matter?
California’s water problems are intense; so much so they are often referred to as ‘wicked’ for their extraordinary depth of complexity and general unsolvability. Yet it recently occurred to me that some of the better and more creative solutions often derive from one particular source – nature itself. Indeed, studies of nature-based solutions or ‘NBS’ are rising rapidly (Davies and Lafortezza 2019; Nelson et al. 2020; Acreman et al. 2021), and are especially popular within the NGO and environmental communities. (more…)